Monday, October 28, 2013

Book Review and Giveaway: Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia by John Skewes and Michael Mullin

Pages: 32
Genre: Children's
Pub. Date: October 15, 2013
Source: Publisher for review

Goodreads says, "In Larry the adorable pooch's latest adventure, he goes on vacation with Pete and the family to Philadelphia, home of the Liberty Bell and other great American historical landmarks.  As usual, in hot pursuit of a tempting treat, Larry gets separated and frantically tries to find them again.  Along the way he discovers some of the city's most fun and interesting landmarks and cultural attractions."
Any children's book that involves a dog is a must-read for me as my little guy is obsessed with dogs.  In Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia, Larry, a super cute dog, is on a vacation/adventure with Pete and his family.  They are heading to the historic city of Philadelphia. I live outside of Philadelphia, so I loved going along on this adventure with Larry and Pete.  Larry wanders off and gets separated from Pete and in turn, visits some of the most exciting landmarks in Philadelphia, such as the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, City Hall and the Betsy Ross House.  Larry also visits some fun landmarks like Pat's Steaks, the Art Museum, Love Park, the Phillies, and the Rocky statue.  

The illustrations in Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia are very cute and vibrant.  My little guy had fun trying to find Larry on all of the pages as the dog ends up in between all the landmarks and attractions.  

One of the things that I enjoyed about Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia was the extra information about each landmark that explains the history behind each place. It wasn't an overly lengthly explanation; it included just enough information to explain the importance, which is perfect for children.  It would be a great read to share before you actually visit the landmarks with your child and that is what I plan on doing in a few years with my son.  

After reading Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia, I want to check out some of the other books in this series, such as Larry Gets Lost in Chicago, New York City, and Boston.

Thanks to Sasquatch Books, I am hosting a giveaway for a hardcopy of Larry Gets Lost in Philadelphia to one lucky US/Canada reader.  Please refer to my giveaway rules and good luck!


  1. Awwwwww cuteee! Count me in. This looks fantastic.

    1. It is really cute! :) I bet your little cutie would love it. Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  2. How precious is Larry Christina! I want him to come to Columbus, Ohio and wander around our landmarks. Not quite a epic as Philadelphia's though:) My niece is hugely into dogs at the moment, so this is going on the library list for her!

    1. Your niece will love this series, especially Larry. :) Thanks for visiting, Jenny!

  3. This sounds like such a cute story. I'll have to mention it to the children's librarian at my library to see if we can order it. Thanks for your review!

    1. It is SOO cute especially if you love dogs and/or Philadelphia. I hope your library gets it - the other books in the series look just as adorable too. Thanks for visiting, Christina!


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