Thursday, October 24, 2013

Book Review: Swimming Pool Summer by Rebecca Farnworth

Pages: 400
Genre: Adult Fiction
Pub. Date: August 12, 2013
Source: NetGalley
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Goodreads says, "Frankie, Tor and Leila have been friends since University. Now in their mid thirties they are finding that life can be very complicated indeed.  Frankie is single and has never had a relationship lasting longer than a year, the reason being that she has been secretly in love with someone her friends would disapprove of for years.  Tor doesn't think she will ever have children after a doctor told her that she had more chance of winning the lottery than conceiving naturally. For the last six months she has been seeing Ed, who is ten years younger than her. But on the morning they are about to go on holiday she discovers she is pregnant.   On the outside Leila seems to have it all -- a happy family and a successful career. She is married to Tom and mother of three-year-old Gracie. But one night she slept with a colleague from work. Crippled with guilt, she wonders if she should she tell her husband before he finds out.  Over the course of two weeks, emotions run high as the three women try to work out where on earth their lives are going. But secrets are hard to keep when you're living together, and it's only a matter of time before the men find out."

Leila's parents own a villa in Greece and she decides to invite her best friends along with her husband and daughter, Gracie, along for a two week vacation.  It's an absolute beautiful location and all the girls hope that this trip will fix some ongoing issues that they have.  First, there's Leila who appears to have it all on the surface. A beautiful daughter, a caring husband, an amazing job, but she had an extra-marital affair which is haunting her; plus, the guy won't stop contacting her. She doesn't know how to get past it or come clean to her husband.  Then there's Tor, or Victoria, who finds out on the morning of her flight to Greece that she is pregnant.  Her doctor has told her that she has zero chance to conceive naturally, so this has come as a complete shock.  Her boyfriend, Ed, is ten years younger than her and she doesn't think he is ready for this kind of commitment. Obviously, this life-altering news puts a damper on her trip and she isn't sure if she should tell Ed as their relationship is still pretty new.  Lastly, there's Frankie who is single and hasn't been in a long-term relationship in years.  She secretly harbors strong feelings for someone who isn't the best fit for her.  All three women must address their secrets eventually and who can think of a better location than at the Greek villa?  Rebecca Farnworth's Swimming Pool Summer is the perfect beach read combining female friendships, secrets, drama, a beautiful location, and of course, romance.

All three women are in their thirties and are dealing with real-life issues in Swimming Pool Summer. It was very Sex and the City to me, which if you know me, is a huge compliment.  Leila is the amazing hostess who seems to have it all together, but has huge secrets.  Her relationship with her husband is pretty stressful and it made for some pretty awkward moments on the trip.  Also, I wanted Tor to tell her boyfriend that she's pregnant, like immediately. I have no idea how she was able to hide it, especially dealing with nausea the entire trip.  Ed is the perfect guy, so I was hoping she would just.tell.him.  Frankie frustrated me with her control-freak tendencies and the fact that she couldn't get over her major crush even though he's a horrible person.  This horrible person, whom they have all known since college, ends up going on the trip.  Drama ensues.  Leila also invites her husband's best friend (a fabulous guy!) on the trip as well and Frankie has had issues with him in the past.  More drama ensues once Frankie realizes he's going on the trip as Leila has kept that from her.  

The setting was to-die-for in Swimming Pool Summer. Can I be friends with this group and go on a trip to the Greek villa, please?  Farnworth does a fabulous job portraying a group of friends from college and how those friendships evolve and change once you are in your thirties. I could especially relate to this aspect of the book.  

The point of view switches each chapter and focuses on all three girls, which I thought was done well.  I was equally invested in all three stories, so it wasn't an issue that Farnworth jumped from character to character in Swimming Pool Summer.

My only regret is that I didn't read Swimming Pool Summer this past summer on vacation. It would be the absolute best book to read while laying out by the pool or soaking up the sun at the beach. If you are looking for a read this fall to help you forget about the impending winter, then check out Swimming Pool Summer.  It will make you forget about the leaves falling and snow coming; instead, you'll want to have a cocktail by the pool with Frankie, Tor, and Leila.  


  1. I was just thinking what an awesome book read this would be.

    BTW, I love your blog look. It's simple, lovely, and feminine. :)

    1. It was a really great book, especially perfect for vacation. *Sigh* Thank you for the compliment. I love yours too. Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  2. That's great that you were equally invested in all three stories - that's a mark of good writing!

    Great review :)

    1. Definitely! I was hesitant at first when I saw there were "three" stories, but it was really great. Thanks for visiting, Lea!

  3. Ummmm. Can I come to that Greek villa too Christina? Let's both start searching for friends that own a Greek villa and then get the other person invited when we find them, okay? Okay. That cover has me craving warm weather again even though I'm a winter girl. I love the snow, but I don't really love the cold, and today is cold sans snow, so I'd rather it be sunny and warm:)

    1. I know, right?! Today is so cold and windy (I think anything below 60 degrees is cold!) ha. I could use a Greek villa in my life right are so right! :) Thanks for checking out my review, Jenny!

  4. Yay! I knew you would love this one, Christina! It's such a fun read. I really liked Ed too and wished she would just tell him already!!

    1. Me too. Ed was one of my favorites. Thanks again for the recommendation! I loved it! :)

  5. I'd love to go on vacation to Greece! I'm glad you enjoyed this one.

    1. Me too....right about now - ha. :) Thanks for dropping by, Megan.

  6. I think this sounds like the perfect book for me. I love books with secrets and friendship and life issues set in exotic locales. I will definitely have to look for this one. Maybe I will pick it up in the middle of winter when I am sick of snow and longing for warm summer days! Great review!

    1. I recommend this one for you then, Christina. Reading it in the dead of winter would be PERFECT! It's a British book, so as of right now, you have to buy it from international book stores. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Since I can't afford to vacation in Greece, reading this book might do for now. :) Sounds lovely!

    1. I know, right?! I loved being transported to the beautiful island of Greece. Thanks for visiting!


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