Friday, November 8, 2013

NaNoWriMo Update

This month I am participating in NaNoWriMo and although I have participated in 2010 and 2011, this year is, by far, going much better than before.  I was thinking about it and trying to figure out why THIS time I am more successful.  It all came down to an idea and planning.  

In years past, I had an idea and just went with it. I really wasn't sure where I was going with it. Well, I should have known better. I mean I even taught middle schoolers HOW to write and I required pre-writing, yet I never really required it of myself?!

This year I had an idea and then I sat down one night sort of plotting it out. I created a skeleton of what I wanted the book to be about, the conflict(s) and ultimately, the ending.  I was surprised where I ended up. 

This Joyce Carol Oates quote about writing really hit home and pretty much FORCED me to figure out my book and not just write aimlessly without a plan. 

Via Buzz Feed

So, I'm at 19,800 words and the goal is to get to 50,000 by the end of November. I think I can do it. This is my third try and you know what they say....the third time is the charm.  And I have to say, I really like where it's going. I sort of surprised myself.

Wish me luck and if you have successfully completed NaNoWriMo in the past or have some great writing tips for me, let me know!


  1. YAY CHRISTINA!!! Almost 20,000 words, that is AWESOME! *cheers you on* I hope you continue to keep us updated on your progress, sounds like you are well on your way to that 50,000 word mark!

  2. Good luck with your writing! I'm sure you will reach your goal soon. :) It sounds like you're having a great time too!

  3. You are so going to do this, Christina! You are doing great! I got so behind in the first week, but I wrote a lot yesterday and I hope I can catch up. I didn't have time for any writing today though. Boo! I also totally should have planned! I'm going to be so prepared next year...

    1. Thanks, Leanna! I bet you will get caught up! I hear you about planning though- for me that was key! Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Good luck! It's funny, we just taught seniors that they cannot write an introduction to their paper until they've written the paper by saying: how can you introduce something you haven't written yet. I've always aspired to write, myself, and am always awed by those who actually DO it. You're the woman! :)

    1. That's an awesome point, Natalie! Thank you so much for the kind thoughts. Even if I don't reach the goal, it was still great practice and good for me to get back into the habit of writing. Thank you for visiting!

  5. 19,800! You go, Christina! That's fantastic!

    I'm completely failing NaNoWriMo this month. I might have to schedule my own novel writing month for December, because I have too many essays, presentations, reading assignments, and applications to work on this month. :(

    Hope you reach your goal!

    1. Thanks, Lea! I hear you about having so much to do- that was me the past three years. I hope you can find time to continue it in December. Good luck with your finals, essays, etc, and thanks for the kind thoughts! I appreciate it! :)


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