Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Second Star

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine.  "Waiting on Wednesday" spotlights upcoming releases that I'm eagerly anticipating.

Second Star by Alyssa B. Sheinmel
Pub. Date: May 13, 2014

Goodreads says, "A twisty story about love, loss, and lies, this contemporary oceanside adventure is tinged with a touch of dark magic as it follows seventeen-year-old Wendy Darling on a search for her missing surfer brothers. Wendy’s journey leads her to a mysterious hidden cove inhabited by a tribe of young renegade surfers, most of them runaways like her brothers. Wendy is instantly drawn to the cove’s charismatic leader, Pete, but her search also points her toward Pete's nemesis, the drug-dealing Jas. Enigmatic, dangerous, and handsome, Jas pulls Wendy in even as she's falling hard for Pete. A radical reinvention of a classic, Second Star is an irresistible summer romance about two young men who have yet to grow up--and the troubled beauty trapped between them."
Peter Pan meets surfing? This is one summertime read I can't wait to get my hands on! What do you guys think?


  1. I love the sound of this.
    I can't wait for some reviews.

    1. Me too. It sounds so promising. Thanks for dropping by, Juju.

  2. Replies
    1. Me too. I love a good, beachy cover. Thanks for visiting, Jackie.

  3. Oooooo this sounds AWESOME Christina! I just read a Peter Pan retelling recently and was fascinated by the characters, so I'm hoping this book will create in me that same fascination. I love that it's a modernized retelling, the surfing aspect has me super excited:)

    1. Me too! The surfing aspect is what attracted me initially. Thanks for dropping by, Jenny!

  4. Wow, what an interesting combination! I'm not usually a Peter Pan person, but this take sounds really unique and refreshing. Can't wait to read it!

    1. Doesn't it? I loved Peter Pan as a kid, so I hope this doesn't disappoint. Thanks for dropping by, DJ.

  5. What is this book?! It sounds so cool, but so odd at the same time. I'll jump on board with it (pun intended)!
    My WoW

    1. Haha. I love your pun! :) Thanks for visiting, Christianna.

  6. I am SO very excited for this book! Another blogger friend of mind turned me on to the book, and it sounds like it's going to be an awesome read. I can't wait to check it out!

    1. Me too! I just saw it for the first time last week. Thanks for visiting, Christy.

  7. YESSSSSSS. This was my WoW recently too. I could NOT be more excited, as I've been waiting for a Peter Pan retelling for FOREVER. And the contemporary twist? Love it!!

    ~ Nikki @ There were books involved...

    1. I love the contemporary/surfing twist as well. Thanks for dropping by, Nikki.

  8. This one looks like a lot of fun! I'll be adding it to my summer reading list for sure! :)

    1. I know, right?! You know it's going to be a long winter when I am already planning what I am going to read next summer. *sigh* Thanks for visiting, Leanna.

  9. You're welcome. Thanks for visiting, Shane.

  10. I just saw this for the first time a couple of days ago. Peter meets surfing is such an original concept. I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for this one. Great pick!

    1. It is definitely original! Thanks for dropping by, Natalie!

  11. Replies
    1. Me too, although so many retellings have disappointed me. I am hoping that isn't the case here. Thanks for visiting, Jen!

  12. Gorgeous cover, and I'll try anything that ties into Peter Pan! :D

  13. this is sooooooo interesting!! Thank you for sharing, i hadn't seen it yet.


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