Thursday, December 5, 2013

Book Review: Foreplay by Sophie Jordan

Pages: 320
Genre: New Adult
Pub. Date: November 5, 2013
Source: LibraryThing Early Reviewer
My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars

Goodreads says, "Pepper has been hopelessly in love with her best friend’s brother, Hunter, for like ever. He’s the key to everything she’s always craved: security, stability, family. But she needs Hunter to notice her as more than just a friend. Even though she’s kissed exactly one guy, she has just the plan to go from novice to rock star in the bedroom—take a few pointers from someone who knows what he’s doing. Her college roommates have the perfect teacher in mind. But bartender Reece is nothing like the player Pepper expects. Yes, he’s beyond gorgeous, but he’s also dangerous, deep—with a troubled past. Soon what started as lessons in attraction are turning both their worlds around, and showing just what can happen when you go past foreplay and get to what’s real…"
Pepper has loved her best friend's brother, Hunter, for years, but he has never really noticed her in that way.  While at college she finds out that he is finally single and she hopes to attract his attention since they go to college in the same city.  Pepper's friends are convinced that she needs to "learn" a few things about guys and who better to teach her than the hot bartender at the local college bar? You see, Pepper has little to no experience with men; in fact, she has barely even kissed one.  Reece, the bartender, has a reputation for being incredible with women, so her roommates hope to hook these two up.  Pepper finally connects with Reece and things unfold as planned, but she can't deny that she is attracted to him even more than she should be.  Reece has a troubled past and Pepper knows she should stay away from him, but they have a connection that is stronger than just a casual relationship.  When Hunter finally notices Pepper, she must make a tough decision.  Sophie Jordan's first new adult novel, Foreplay, is a fun and frothy read.  Despite the fact that the plot is familiar, Jordan keeps readers entertained.

Pepper is a character that feels familiar in Foreplay. A lot of writers are following the formula of a virginal girl meets bad boy and learns a few things about life, relationships, and sex.  We have seen this before and I will admit it has been played out, but the difference here is that Jordan, author of Firelight, is a fantastic writer. So although Pepper feels familiar simply because we have read about so many characters just like her, Jordan brings that special something.  I like that Pepper has a troubled and complicated background, which initially sparked her attraction to Hunter as his family life is the polar opposite of Pepper's.  She isn't just a one dimensional character and has an interesting back story that she must deal with in Foreplay.

Reece is also the kind of bad-boy that I really love reading about. He also has a lot of baggage, a strange home life, and a lot of responsibilities. Reading about their relationship progressing and unfolding was one of the best aspects of Foreplay. There is no doubt that Reece and Pepper have chemistry.  

The setting of college is one that I really liked and one of the best aspects of Foreplay. I love college life and Jordan portrayed it perfectly. Another aspect of Foreplay that I enjoyed was the fact that Pepper had two good girlfriends and I like seeing that in New Adult literature. It doesn't always have to be all about the guy.

So, even though there were a few familiar conflicts in Foreplay and a few cheesy moments, I'd say this is an amusing read with some sexytimes and interesting characters.  It didn't "wow" me as I was hoping, but was an entertaining read nonetheless.


  1. I enjoyed this one overall too Christina, though I did have a small issue or two with Pepper's stubbornness and inability to see Reece for what he was. I just loved Reece so much, I wanted to reach in and snatch him up for myself:) Definitely looking forward to more in this series though!

    1. Reece is a great character…I agree! I am looking forward to the other books as well. Thanks for visiting, Jenny!


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