Friday, December 6, 2013

New Feature: Dust Off the Shelves

I don't know about you, but I have a ton of books that sit sadly unread on my bookshelf.  If you are bookish, like me, then I'm sure you know what I am talking about.  The books you just HAD to buy and then they sit on your shelf collecting dust.  Well, 2014 is the year that I am going to do something about it!

I have made an executive decision. I am going to be more picky when it comes to review copies that I accept and read more of the books that I do have, specifically, the ones that are collecting dust on my shelf as we speak.  Hence my new feature, "Dust Off the Shelves." I plan to read one or two of these lovely books a month, but the only catch is that the book's publication date must be 2010 or older.  So, keep your eye out in 2014 for my new feature.

With that said, here are a few of the books I'm thinking of dusting off:

  • Mostly Good Girls by Leila Sales
  • Boys, Girls, and Other Hazerdous Materials by Rosalind Wiseman
  • The Hollow by Jessica Verday
  • Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta
  • The Season by Sarah MacLean
  • Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
  • Looking For Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta
  • Soulless by Gail Carriger
  • Shadows and Strongholds by Elizabeth Chadwick
  • Greatest Knight by Elizabeth Chadwick
  • Succubus Blues by Richelle Mead
  • Looking For Alaska by John Green
  • Perfect Fifths by Megan McCafferty
So, what do you think? Are you like me and have a bunch of books that sit unread on your bookshelf? From my list, which books must I read first? Let me know!


  1. What a great idea!!! I have so many books sitting on my shelves that haven't been read yet - I don't even know how many! I might just have to "borrow" this idea - not sure about doing the whole pub date, though - might make it something like 2012 or earlier...but definitely need to focus on reading my own books!!!

    I'm not familiar with any of the books you have listed, so can't offer any suggestions as to which to start with, but I wish you much luck accomplishing your goal!!!

    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

    1. Thank you, Kristin! You should absolutely do this as well! I am making it part of my 2014 resolutions. I am focusing on older reads, b/c that's how many I have on my shelf- it's so bad! :) Thanks again!

  2. Good idea, Christina! I have so many books that I 'just had to buy' and that are now collecting dust on my shelf. I've been cutting down on review copies too so hopefully I can get to some of those older books in 2014!

    1. Me too. That is definitely a goal of mine in 2014. Thanks for visiting, Leanna!

  3. This is such an awesome idea! I've read 2 of the books on your list: Succubus Blues and The Hollow, I loved the Succubus books but I just thought The Hollow was ok. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Christy! I can't wait to read Succubus -- I've heard it's good; plus, it's Richelle Mead! Thanks for visiting.

  4. Great idea! I always intend to do this but the bright new shiny books are offered to me to review and I suddenly lose all my willpower As of this morning I had 1794 unread books on my shelf and my Kindle not counting review books that are already piling up for 2014 reading.

    I liked The Season which was a sort of fluffy, Regency romance for teens I also loved Soulless which was a fresh and quirky take on Steampunk. Speak is on my TBR mountain too and Finnikin of the Rock and The Hollow are on my Kindle.

    Good luck in 2014. I hope you do manage to read some of those dusty books.

    1. Thank you, Kathy. I know! The same thing i happening to me and I just HAD to do something about it. Looks like we have a lot of the same books in our TBR pile. Thank you for visiting and I hope you get to read some of those dusty books as well! :)

  5. I have a lot of books sitting unread on my digital shelf (Kindle) that I've had for years (like The Greatest Knight which is also on your list). I usually participate in the Off the Shelf reading challenge but this year I kind of failed to participate in any challenges. Maybe next year I will try to make a dent in my unread books too.

    I loved The Season and I think you would really like that one. I also love Soulless (which I think you probably know by now is one of my favorites). I hope you get to read both of these soon. Speak is excellent too.

    1. I had no idea there was an Off the Shelf reading challenge…that sounds like a great idea! I figured that if I make this a feature then hopefully I will stick with reading books that are feeling neglected on my bookshelf. I will definitely try reading The Season and Soulless, which I know you love! It seems like a great series. Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  6. Great idea! I could seriously benefit from something like this. You must read Speak! It's a really quick read, so it won't take long. But it's quite powerful - although it never made me feel overwhelmed either. I need to read The Season, too!

    Good luck!

    1. Thank you!! I really do want to read Speak and I have NO idea why I have put it off! Thanks for dropping by, Quinn.

  7. Id pick the Rachel Caine book just because I really want to read it myself too lol

    And yes I have a ridiculous amount of books to read. Almost 100 e-books and 1,471 books. Egads. Makes me want to read faster. But, the good thing is I never run out of something to read.


I really appreciate your comments. Thank you!