Friday, January 31, 2014

January Confessions

Man, I have been killing it in the book department this month. I read nine books (including Outlander which is 800+ pages) and that's probably because I am a hermit. I am NOT a fan of the snow and below freezing temperatures, so what else is a girl to do other than caught up on my TBR list, eat copious amounts of chocolate, and watch Downton Abbey?   Here's what I read this month:

Books Read in January:
1.  The Killing Woods by Lucy Christopher - 4 out of 5 stars
2.  Something Like Normal by Trish Dollar - 4.5 out of 5 stars
3.  Clockwork Prince (Infernal Devices #2) by Cassandra Clare - 5 out of 5 stars
4.  Clockwork Princess (Infernal Devices #3) by Cassandra Clare - 5 out of 5 stars
5.  Manor of Secrets by Katherine Longshore - 3.5 out of 5 stars
6.  Looking For Alaska by John Green - 5 out of 5 stars
7.  The Real Prom Queens of Westfield High by Laura Boyle Crompton - 3.5 out of 5 stars (Review to come)
8.  Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - 5 out of 5 stars (Review to come)
9.  The Curl Up and Dye by Sharon Sala - 3.5 out of 5 stars (Review to come)

Did Not Finish:
Dead Beautiful by Yvonne Woon
The Queen's Choice by Cayla Kluver
All That Glows by Ryan Graudin 

January Top Five:

1.  Favorite Book: Ok, so, this month I read four "five star" books. Umm…that never happens. So, this is going to be tough.  I'm going to go with Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. It was just THAT good and I am now a big fan of Jamie Fraser. I completely fangirled over this Buzzfeed post and may have watched the STARZ Outlander clips too many a few times. 
2.  Biggest Surprise: Something Like Normal by Trish Doller was a very big surprise for me, because I was completely hooked. Plus, it's from a male POV and Doller did an awesome job making it realistic.
3.  Biggest Disappointment: The Queen's Choice by Cayla Kluver- I wasn't even able to finish it, which bummed me out because I had high hopes.
4.  Favorite Post: Top Ten 2014 Debuts I Am Excited For
5.  Favorite Part of January: Normally I would say snow and something bookish/snow related, but guys, I am OVER it. Pennsylvania has had way too much snow so far this winter and it's been freakishly cold. I am usually dreaming of spring by mid-February, so it's bad when I'm already pining for sunshine this early.  Anyone else over the snow too? At least February is a short month! :)


  1. I like cold and it's been too much for me. I like my easy going southern winters and this one has been a doozy. I can't believe I'm craving sun and heat already. But you go girl. I love that you channeled it into books! I'm thinking of picking a TV show and having a marathon too. Maybe Gilmore Girls. I've been meaning to for years now.

    1. Man, if you are already feeling it, you can only imagine how I am!! You should definitely binge watch Gilmore Girls…love that show and LOVE Lauren Graham. Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  2. Thanks! I blame the horrific weather! :) Thanks and you do the same, Danielle!

  3. Where I live we haven't had the snow but I would love a couple of stay at home days. Great job.

    1. Yes…snow days are the only good thing about this type of weather. Thanks for visiting, Linda!

  4. I have been ready for spring since early January or maybe right after Christmas :)
    I am tired of the cold and the snow and icy roads. Punxatawney Phil better have some good news tomorrow :)

    I am glad you liked Outlander. I have read the first few books in the series and I am eager to see how the TV series will play out. There are some things I didn't like in the book and I'm hoping they will be corrected (or omitted) from the show.

    Looks like you had a fantastic reading month!

    1. Haha. I completely agree! Spring needs to be here ASAP.
      I hear you about Outlander. There were some cringeworthy moments, but overall, I enjoyed it. I can't wait for the TV show either. Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  5. I'll have to pick up Outlander. Starz is the only premium channel and I have and I like reading source material for shows...if I have the time. I'm in PA, too, and I'm so with you. Can it just please warm up already. I cannot wait for spring.

    1. I really liked Outlander and I am hoping the show is awesome. I forgot you are in PA as well. Hasn't it just been an awful winter?! I am so ready for spring! Thanks for dropping by, Natalie!


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