Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: 2014 Debuts I Am Excited For

This week we are sharing our 2014 debuts that we are most excited for. There are so many awesome debuts coming out, but I narrowed it down to my top ten.  If you want to learn more about a book, click the title and it will take you to the Goodreads page.  (This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, so check it out!)


1.  Open Road Summer by Emery Lord
2.  Elusion by Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam
3.  All That Glows by Ryan Graudin


4.  Alienated by Melissa Landers
5.  Half Bad by Sally Green
6.  A Mad Wicked Folly by Sharon Biggs Waller


7.  The Looking Glass by Jessica Arnold
8.  The Lonesome Young by Lucy Connors
9.  Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
10.  Landry Park by Bethany Hagen

What do you guys think of my list? Are there any debuts that you are excited for? Let me know! 


  1. I loved Alienated. I am curious about Landry Park and I have Cruel Beauty on my TBR pile. I will have to check out some of the others on your list that I hadn't seen before.

    1. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Alienated! Thanks for dropping by, Christina!

  2. Our lists are much the same. Great books!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. Oh, really? I will have to check yours out. Thanks for visiting, Mariska.

  3. All of these books look good. Cruel Beauty has been very popular on the lists today. The Looking Glass looks really good, I'll have to add that to my list! Happy Reading!

    My TTT
    Alex @ The Book Banner

    1. I have noticed that Cruel Beauty is a popular choice. I believe it comes out soon, so I'll have to check it out. Thanks for visiting, Alex.

  4. I'm dying for Open Road Summer. I love a good road trip book!

    My TTT List

    1. Me too. I love road trip books that take place during the summer….they make for the best beach reads! Thanks for dropping by.

  5. Great list!! Open Road summer, Alienated, The Lonesome Young, and A Mad Wicked Folly are all on my TBR list too. I love the cover of Cruel Beauty and who can resist a Beauty and the Beast sort of story. I will have to add that one as well.

    Here is my TTT: http://www.jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2014/01/top-ten-tuesday-2014-debuts-im-excited.html

  6. I took this assignment in a bit of a different direction and listed debuting series, not necessarily debuting authors. My list is totally different from everyone else's. LOL. But, I'm finding out about some of the cool debut authors from you all, so that's awesome!

    I've been eyeing The Lonesome Young on NetGalley for a few weeks now...

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket

    1. That's a good idea though….I like thinking outside the box with some of these lists. I'll have to check yours out. Thanks for dropping by, Krista!

  7. Elusion is up next on my reading list, and I can't wait to see if it lives up to that gorgeous cover! There are SO many great books coming out, aren't there?!

    1. I know, right?! It is a pretty fab cover. 2014 is looking to be a great bookish year. Congrats on your marriage, Melissa. I can't wait to see pictures. Thanks for dropping by.

  8. Open Road Summer is one of my most anticipated reads of 2014! I so need that book ASAP! I'm seeing A Mad, Wicked Folly on so many lists! Adding that to my TBR!

    1. I know, right?! A road trip book is a must during the summertime. Thanks for visiting, Sara!

  9. Yes! We do have a lot of the same books on our lists! I almost added A Mad Wicked Folly to my list. It sounds so interesting! There are SO many great books coming out this year. It's hard to choose from them all! Great list!

    1. Thanks so much! We definitely have the same taste. :) Thanks for visiting, Christy!

  10. Yep. These all look awesome. I'm especially excited for Landry Park. It didn't sound like something I would normally read, but some of the early reviews I've read have been really positive. Great list!

    1. Me too. I haven't heard much about Landry Park, but def. looking forward to it. Thanks for dropping by, Natalie!

  11. Replies
    1. Me too- such an eye catching cover! Thanks for visiting, Juju.

  12. I'm soooooo excited for Half Bad and Open Road Summer! I'm reading Alienated at the moment, and it's really good. Cruel Beauty was a bit of a letdown though :(

    1. Me too!! A lot of people snagged Alienated on NetGalley and I'm hearing they are enjoying it! I am glad you are as well. Thanks for dropping by, Amber!

  13. I just LOVE the cover of Open Road Summer. I think that gorgeous cover influenced my excited to read this book. Also, Lonesome Young looks soo good. Kind of drama-rama but I don't care.

    1. Me too. I can't wait to get started reading some of my summer reads. I know, right?! The cover is a bit much, but I am still intrigued. Thanks for visiting, Quinn!

  14. Great list! I'm so excited for so many of these and a few made my list too. I read and absolutely loved Alienated, I can't wait to get my hands on the finished hardback! There seems to be so many good books coming out in 2014, I'm not sure where I'll find the time to read them all. I hope you get to all of your picks :) My TTT.

    1. I am glad to hear Alienated is awesome. Can't wait to read it! Thank you for checking out my TTT!

  15. That Elusion cover is STUNNING.

    1. I know, right?! A lot of people have commented on it…I will admit it's gorgeous! Thanks for visiting, Angela.

  16. I'm excited for all of these - there are way too many fabulous-sounding debuts to look forward to this year! It seems like it will be a fun book year :)

    Fabulous top ten!

    1. I know! 2014 is looking to be such a promising year for debuts. Thanks for dropping by, Lea!


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