Friday, February 7, 2014

It's Not You, It's Me (7)

"It's not you, it's me."  I'm sure some of us have heard those dreaded words uttered before and the same saying can be applied to books.  Some books just don't work for me, whereas other readers may have really enjoyed them.  This new feature will be showcasing books that I never finished or reviewed; you know…...the dreaded DNF.

All That Glows by Ryan Graudin

Goodreads says, "Emrys—a fiery, red-headed Fae—always embraced her life in the Highlands, far from the city’s draining technology, until she’s sent to London to rejoin the Faery Guard. But this isn’t any normal assignment—she’s sent to guard Prince Richard: Britain’s notorious, partying bad boy and soon-to-be King. The prince’s careless ways and royal blood make him the irresistible for the dark spirits that feed on mortals. Sweet, disheveled, and alive with adventure—Richard is one charge who will put Emrys’s magic and heart to the test. When an ancient force begins preying on the monarchy, Emrys must hunt through the London’s magical underworld, facing down Banshees, Black Dogs and Green Women to find the one who threatens Richard’s life. In this chaos of dark magic, palace murders and paparazzi, Emrys finds herself facing an impossible choice. For despite all her powers, Emrys has discovered a force that burns brighter than magic: love."

My Thoughts: So, I can't really pinpoint what didn't work for me, but I just wasn't feeling it. I wasn't invested and I wasn't connecting with the characters, so I knew it was time to abandon ship.  I also wasn't buying the fae world that Graudin created and when that happens, you know this book isn't going to work for you. 

So, have you read this book? Did you love it, hate it, or felt "meh" about it? Let me know your thoughts!


  1. I'm so so bummed about this one Christina! You're absolutely not alone, Danny couldn't get into it either, so I know if it didn't work for either of you, it more than likely won't work for me either. Such pretty cover though, I had hoped the story would match!

    1. Oh, really? Glad to hear I am not alone. I love the cover and it was one of my most anticipated debuts, but it was just lacking something. Thanks for visiting, Jenny!

  2. I love this feature. You say why and keep it light.

    I haven't tried this one but it doesn't sound for me either.

  3. Yeah, I reeeeeally didn't like this one either. The world didn't work for me, and I found the characters to be really boring! =/ I made it to about 60% before I started to regret not DNFing it, but then I pushed on till the end... It never got better. :(

    1. Yes, the world didn't work for me and the characters were sort of flat. I am glad that I DNF it though since everyone said the ending wasn't worth it. Thanks for visiting, Nikki!

  4. I have this one on my Kindle, but after seeing sooo many of my friends write 1, 2, or DNF reviews I don't think I'm going to bother. I'm sorry this didn't work for you. I hope your next book is much better.

    1. Yes, I noticed many others DNF it either, so I didn't feel too badly about it. :) Thanks for visiting, Natalie!

  5. I am not a huge fan of fairy fiction. I have read some that I've liked but not many. This one doesn't sound like it is for me. I think Mercedes Lackey wrote a series involving the fae and the Tudors so it would be historical fiction/fantasy rather than set in contemporary times. Maybe that would appeal to us more :)

    1. Ohh…I will have to check that one out. It does sound right up my alley. Thanks for the recommendation, Christina!

  6. I haven't read this yet but I did have high hopes for it. I find fantasy can go either way - people either love it or find that it doesn't work for them.

    1. Yes, especially with fairy fiction…it definitely can go either way…you are so right! Thanks for dropping by, Christa!


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