Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Will Make You Cry

This week I am sharing my top ten books that will make readers cry. This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, so check it out! 

1.  The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks - As cheesy as this book is, you know it had you sobbing. 
2.  The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling - Dumbledore! *sobbing*
3.  Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls - It still gets me every time.
4.  Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell-  I had to break out the tissues for this one. A 2013 favorite.

5.  Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - This one will always tug on my heartstrings.
6.  The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold - I remember staying up late sobbing over this book. I couldn't even bring myself to watch the movie.
7.  Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson - I read this book when I was pregnant, which was a mistake as I was already emotional. Cue all the tears. But I love this book anyway!
8.  Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom - I love the lessons about love and life in this book.

And my top two choices are:

9.  If I Stay by Gayle Forman - If you haven't read this, you need to. It's so powerful and emotional and brilliant.
10.  The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - Because obviously.

What do you guys think of my list? Let me know! 


  1. I definitely agree with the Harry Potter series and Eleanor & Park. Second Chance Summer is a tearjerker too. I don't remember if I cried when reading The Fault in Our Stars but that definitely makes most readers cry. Great list!

  2. TFIOS and Eleanor & Park are both at the top of my TBR list. I had no idea Eleanor & Park could require tissues. I was thinking it will be another Fangirl sort of book. Thanks for the heads up :)

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2014/02/top-ten-tuesday-books-that-will-make.html#comment-form

    1. OMG. E&P is very good and definitely made me emotional I hope you get to read it soon. Thanks for visiting, Jacque.

  3. Where the Red Fern Grows Christina! *starts sobbing immediately* Any time an animal dies in a book or movie (dogs and horses in particular), I can't deal with it. I turn into a sobbing, snotty mess and it isn't pretty. Aside from Harry Potter, I haven't read anything else on your list, though I've heard If I Stay is brutal in emotional terms, but also completely amazing. One of these days I'm going to work up the courage to try it!

    1. I know, right?! Where the Red Fern Grows is a tough one…plus, I had to teach it to 7th graders. It was rough b/c we would all end up sobbing. You need to read If I Stay--it's my favorite of Forman's novels. Thanks for visiting, Jenny!

  4. I cried A LOT with your last two. Just broke my heart!! Great list!

  5. Haha. I kind of wanted to say the same thing when I listed TFIOS for today. "obviously" right?

    Harry Potter made me cry buckets. I find the fifth one the most difficult for me, though. As sad as it was in six, Dumbledore had lived a long and pretty good life. Sirius had spent over a decade in a Dementor prison for a crime he didn't commit. But more than anything - it's Harry's feelings about Sirius that tear my heart in two.

    1. I know, right?! That book destroyed me, but it was sooo good. Good point about Harry Potter. I remember Sirius's situation made me cry as well. Pretty much the entire series made me cry. ha. Thanks for visiting, Quinn!

  6. I didn't do a list today, but omg yes to Dumbledore *sob* and TFiOS. I still need to read If I Stay, but I've nothing but good things. Oh and Where a Red Fern Grows. Why do we do that to children? Traumatized.

    1. Yes!!! You definitely need to read If I Stay- my fave of Forman's novels. And I totally agree about Red Fern. I had to teach that to 7th graders….the worst b/c they would be so upset and sad as would I….it was excruciating. Thanks for visiting, Natalie!

  7. I shed a tear at Second Chance Summer too! I haven't read TFiOS and I don't know if I can bring myself to do it. I teared up at the movie trailer!

    1. OMG. You need to read TFiOS- so emotional, but so good. I definitely think you would like it. You should read it before the movie comes out. Thanks for dropping by, Leanna!

  8. Great list! If I Stay, HP7 and The Lovely Bones all made my list too - those books were all so emotional. Great picks! My TTT :)

  9. LOVELY BONES! Oh, I'd completely forgotten about that book. That's a powerful one, intriguing too.

    My TTT

  10. Completely agree with the Harry Potter series and also If I Stay... lots of tears shed over those ones!

  11. Oh good list!!! I neeeed to read E&P!

  12. such a great list haven'tread Elanor and Park yet tough.


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