Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons I Love Being a Reader and Blogger

This week I am sharing my top ten reasons I love being a blogger and a reader. This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, so check it out! 

1.  Libraries and bookstores are my favorite places ever.  Only a reader understands how exciting it is to find a really great library or an awesome indie bookstore.

2.  I love encouraging people to read and recommending great books to them.  The best is when they love a book I recommend. 

3.  If you are a serious reader, like me, then certain books become very important to you.  I love my "favorites" bookshelf and certain signed books. It's all very Gollum with his "precious."

4.  Books are never ending. There will always be new books published and older books that I want to check out.  It's not like some video game or TV show where it ends and that's that.  There will always be new books to devour.

5.  Is there anything better than enjoying a good book outside on a gorgeous day? I think not!

6.  Books take you places.  As George R.R. Martin said, "reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one.'

7.  Books can be like therapy. They can make you laugh, cry, and help you through the tough times in your life.   

8.  When I read a book that I think is awesome, I am able to get my fangirl on with all of my fellow book lovers and you don't think I am crazy.

9.  Being a book blogger is awesome in that I am able to connect with other book nerds, authors, publishers, etc. It has opened a whole new world for me and for that, I am grateful.

10.  My last reason: YOU GUYS--the people that read this blog.  I love receiving comments and connecting with other people about books. It means the world to me. 

So, what did you guys think of my list? Let me know!


  1. I feel the same way about my favorite books! People ask to barrow them and I tell them only if they treat them like an extra body part. Bahahaha. Also libraries and indie book stores are the best!
    My TTT

    1. I know, right?! The worst is if they forget to give them back. Thanks for visiting, Christianna!

  2. I completely agree with your list! Belle is my favorite Disney Princess probably because of all the books! And, I put Martin's quote on my list too. :)

    My Top Ten

    1. Me too! I love Belle! Did you really use Martin's quote as well? That's awesome. Great minds think alike. Thanks for visiting, Amber.

  3. I love that blogging puts me in touch with people who get as into books as I do. In real life, I rarely meet people who understand how wonderful and emotional books are to me. So it's nice to reach out through the net to people who understand.

    I love your list.

    1. Me too! Exactly. :) Thanks for checking out my list, Juju!

  4. Great picks :) I love your list and agree with them all! 1 - I get lost in the giant Piccadilly Waterstones for hours at a time! 3... I am very Gollum like when it comes to my books, especially my favourites shelf! My TTT

    1. Thank you!! I would love to check out Piccadilly Waterstones if/when I visit London. Thanks for visiting!

  5. I love, love, love all the gifs!! Especially with Christian Bale from Little Women. He's sooo cute there, isn't he?

    I feel the same way about all these. I especially appreciate the library sentiment.

    1. Haha. I agree. I loved him back in the day. I couldn't help but use a ton of gifs to express my obsession. :) Thanks for visiting, Quinn!

  6. I recently started book blogging, but I love the connections I'm already making with fellow bloggers. This was my first week doing The Broke and the Bookish's meme, I loved it!

    My TTT @ Books Are My Thing

    1. What a fun topic to start off with. I hope you enjoy blogging! Thanks for visiting, Krystal.

  7. Me too! Such a fun topic and something that most definitely puts a smile on everyone's faces. Thanks for visiting, Doris!

  8. #3 - YES! My family always looks at me like I'm crazy whenever I mention my "favorites" bookshelf / special signed books :)

    Love your list - I agree with each and every point you made.


I really appreciate your comments. Thank you!