Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine.  "Waiting on Wednesday" spotlights upcoming releases that I'm eagerly anticipating.

Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn
Pub. Date: May 13, 2014

Goodreads says, "Summer, boys, and friendships gone sour. This new series has everything that perfect beach reads are made of! Gemma just got dumped and is devastated. She finds herself back in the Hamptons for the summer—which puts her at risk of bumping into Hallie, her former best friend that she wronged five years earlier. Do people hold grudges that long?  When a small case of mistaken identity causes everyone, including Hallie and her dreamy brother Josh, to think she’s someone else, Gemma decides to go along with it. Gemma's plan is working (she's finding it hard to resist Josh), but she's finding herself in embarrassing situations (how could a bathing suit fall apart like that!?). Is it coincidence or is someone trying to expose her true identity? And how will Josh react if he finds out who she is?  Katie Finn hits all the right notes in this perfect beginning to a new summer series: A Broken Hearts & Revenge novel."
Ok, so when I read, ""Summer, boys, and friendships gone sour. This new series has everything that perfect beach reads are made of!" in the synopsis, I knew this books was for me. Plus, I heard that Katie Finn is really Morgan Matson, one of my favorite YA authors (Second Chance Summer and Amy & Roger's Epic Detour). What do you guys think? 


  1. I was really excited when I discovered that Katie Finn is Morgan Matson - or Morgan Matson is Katie Finn. Is Katie Finn her real name? Anyway, I read the first chapter of this one the other day and I'm hooked already. I can tell it's going to be a great summer read. Great pick!

    1. Me too! I know we are both fans of Matson….I am not sure which is her real name or if both are just pseudonyms. I am so glad you liked the first chapters…can't wait to read it! I am dreaming of warm weather and this would be a great beach read. Thanks for visiting, Leanna!

  2. Hehe. I took one look at this cover and without even reading the blurb went "this definitely looks like a Christina book"! So right up your beach and summer loving alley:) And how cool to find out the author is actually an author you already love!

    1. Haha. You so know me, Jenny! You know I am all about those summertime reads. :) Thanks for dropping by!

  3. I am DEFINITELY curious about this one. I just love the title, and I'm very curious about these embarrassing situations that Gemma gets in.

    1. Me too. I love a good summertime read. Thanks for visiting, Quinn!

  4. Replies
    1. I know, right?! It has me pining for warmer days. Thanks for dropping by, Juju!

  5. I'm loving the font used for this cover. It looks like an awesome summer book and I'm definitely looking forward to picking it up. I did hear this is Matson. I don't understand the point of using a pen name if it is going to leak immediately. Whatever. This looks awesome. Great pick!

    1. I know. I am not sure if it leaked immediately or if it wasn't supposed to leak, but that definitely made me more excited for the book b/c Matson is awesome. Thanks for visiting, Natalie!

  6. Totally screams, 'beach read'. I hope you'll enjoy it!

  7. Good Lord, this one sounds really fun and fluffy! Yay!
    My WoW

    1. Yes, which is what I am all about when it's summertime. Thanks for dropping by, Christianna.

  8. How fun! I hadn't heard about the pen name...I've always wanted to try one of Matson's books so now I guess I can since I signed up to review this one already! LOL The story sounds really cute and I love this cover!

    1. You need to read Matson- her books are fantastic. I hope you enjoy this one! Thanks for visiting, Becky!

  9. I will definitely have to keep this in mind for this summer! Sounds like the perfect read for lying around in the sun.

    1. YES!!! I completely agree. Thanks for visiting, Christa!

  10. I didn't realize this was MM using a pen name! And the summary sounds fabulous (Summer, boys, and friendships gone sour - it's hard to not enjoy a story like that). I hope you enjoy it!

    Great WOW, Christina! :)

    1. Yes! When I found that out, I knew that this was a must read. MM is one of my faves. Thanks for dropping by, Lea!

  11. Oooh, this sounds good :) Pretending to be someone she's not...(And geeze, a bathing suit comes off? That must've been embarassing.)

    Skylar @Life of a Random

  12. This definitely sounds like a fun read! Nice WoW pick!


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