Monday, March 31, 2014

March Confessions

March was a pretty good reading month for me since the weather has been so inconsistent and we had more snow. One thing I do love about March though is the fact that it's now spring (finally!) and I celebrated my birthday.  Now onto April…let's hope mother nature gets the memo that we want some sunny days here in Pennsylvania! 

Books Read in March:
1.  Great by Sara Benincasa - 3.5 out of 5 stars
2.  Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) by Tahrehi Mafi - 5 out of 5 stars
3.  Happily Ever After by Elizabeth Blackwell - 3.5 out of 5 stars
4.  The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith - 3.5 out of 5 stars
5.  Tempting Fate by Jane Green - 4 out of 5 stars
6.  Queen Elizabeth's Daughter by Anne Clinard Barnhill - 3.5 out of 5 stars
7.  Sweet Peril (Sweet #2) by Wendy Higgins - 4.5 out of 5 stars (Review to come)
8.  The Lonesome Young by Lucy Connors - 3 out of 5 stars (Review to come)
9.  Sweet Reckoning (Sweet #3) by Wendy Higgins - 4.5 out of 5 stars (Review to come)

1.  Favorite Book: Ignite Me by Tahrehi Mafi was an outstanding ending to a fantastic fantasy/sci-fi series. I really enjoyed this fun series and I was happy with how Mafi ended it.

2.  Biggest Surprise:  Sweet Peril and Sweet Reckoning by Wendy Higgins - I forgot how much I enjoy this series, so much so that I took part in some binge-reading of the last two books in the series.

3.  Biggest Disappointment: The Lonesome Young by Lucy Connors was an entertaining read overall, but it wasn't as great as I had hoped. It definitely didn't "wow" me.  I'll post my review in April.

4.  Favorite Post:  My Spring TBR List - After this winter, we are all ready for some warm weather and for me, there's nothing better than reading a book outside on a beautiful day.

5.  Favorite Part of March: I really enjoyed celebrating my birthday with my family and my little guy. Is there anything better than watching a 19 month old eat ice-cream and cake? It's hilarious! More ice cream ended up on him than in him.  We had so much fun. 

I hope everyone had a great March. Let me know your favorite book that you read this month…any good recommendations for me?


  1. Belated birthday greetings, Christina! Sounds like you had a great day! I will keep an eye out for your review of The Lonesome Young - I was hoping that one would be a really good read, but, maybe not!

    1. Thanks, Leanna! It was just an ok read. It didn't set my world on fire or anything. I'll keep my eye out for your thoughts on the book as well. Thanks for visiting!

  2. WOO HOO! SO glad you loved Sweet Peril and Sweet Reckoning Christina! I adored Sweet Peril as well and can't wait to start Sweet Reckoning. I'm ready for some quality Kai time:) I'm bummed to see a mediocre rating for The Lonesome Young, I had high hopes for that one. *sigh* Looking forward to your full review of it!

    1. I really loved both book and I know you'll love Sweet Reckoning, too. I'll keep my eye out for your review. Thanks for visiting, Jenny!

  3. Awwww I want to see him covered in ice cream. I bet it was precious.

    I hope you had an amazing birthday.

    Spring better get her hiney in gear. I'm over this.

    We are expecting to reach 70 this week in my home state. Hoooray!!

    1. Haha. He was SO funny with the ice-cream. Thank you for the kind thoughts, Juju! I am so jealous of the 70 degree weather. We are still trying to break 60 around here. Spring can't come soon enough! Thanks for visiting!

  4. YAY for spring! Also, isn't Wendy Higgins just the best? Her books surprised me in the best possible way :)

    1. She is! I really enjoyed this series and picked up her self-published book as well. I hope you had an awesome time on vacation! Thanks for visiting!

  5. Happy belated birthday!

    I haven't read any of the books on your list yet. I was planning to purchase The Lonesome Young for my library's collection but now I might wait...

    1. Thanks, Christina! You should still buy it as I think there will be a fan base, but it's not my favorite. Thanks for visiting and I'm SO glad to hear your mom is doing better. :)


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