Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: My Spring TBR List

This week I am sharing my spring TBR list with everyone. I like to start to read some "beach reads" in the spring, because they are my absolute favorite. This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, so check it out! 

1.  Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson - I have had this one on my shelf FOREVER. I must read it this spring. No excuses.
2.  The Bitter Kingdom by Rae Carson- I love this series and although I am dying to see how it ends, I am sad that it's over.
3.  We Were Liars by E. Lockhart- I have read some mixed reviews for this one--either raving reviews or  "what the heck" reviews. Either way, there's a ton of hype surrounding this novel and I am interested to find out how I feel.
4.  The Heiresses by Sara Shepard- This is my kind of spring read!
5.  Nantucket Red by Leila Howland- I adored Nantucket Blue, so I can't wait to get caught up in a fantastic beach read.

6.  Broken Hearts, Fences, and Other Things to Mend by Katie Finn- Yes, to everything.
7.  Summerset Abbey by T.J. Brown - I need a good historical read that will take my mind off the void that Downton Abbey left.
8.  Second Star by Alyssa B. Sheinmel - I love a good surfing book and a retelling of Peter Pan? Sounds fun!
9.  One Hundred Names by Cecilia Ahern - I have never read this author, but have always been meaning to. I am excited to check this one out.
10.  Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon - I loved Outlander and with the TV show coming out this summer, I am interested to find out what happens in book two, although I need a lot of time as there's 768 pages.

What do you think of my spring TBR list? I actually read everything on my winter TBR list (small miracle), so hopefully I will stick to my plans for the spring. Let me know what you think!


  1. I think I might have to read Nantucket Red soon. I can't wait any longer! I hope we enjoy it as much as Nantucket Blue. I'm interested to see what you think of We Were Liars!

    1. I know! I have been waiting for warm weather, but it seems it will never come to PA. We had more snow yesterday. UGH! Thanks for visiting, Leanna!

  2. You got a great list of books you want to read.
    I hope they got published very soon so you can read them.

    My Top 10

  3. Interesting list here--I like that you've included some backlist, too. Count me among the reviewers who thought We Were Liars was intensely overrated.

    1. Thank you! I remember you said you weren't the biggest fan. I am anxious to read it just to see how I feel about it! Thanks for visiting!

  4. We Were Liars is definitely on my spring/summer TBR list. I still need to read Nantucket Blue, but Red is on my TBR list as well. Great list!!

    Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2014/03/top-ten-tuesday-books-on-my-spring-tbr.html

    1. Yes! I can't wait to read We Were Liars and you must read Nantucket Blue. It's awesome! Thanks for visiting, Jacque!

  5. I am really curious about We Were Liars too. When a book creates so many mixed feelings I am always curious to see where mine are. Broken Hearts. . . is one that I haven't been sure about it. I can get it from Netgalley but I just haven't yet. Maybe I should pick it up and check it out! Fun list.

    1. Exactly my thoughts, Shannon…anxious to see how i feel about it. Thanks for visiting!

  6. Great picks. We Were Liars is on my list today too. I think I have Summerset Abbey in my pile my somewhere. I'm missing DA too. Hope you enjoy your books.


    1. I am missing DA as well, which is why I am going to try out Summerset Abbey…hoping it will help! :) Thanks for visiting, Cheryl!

  7. SPEAK is still one of the best books I've ever read, and it's definitely LHA's best written novel yet. I really hope you love it, Christina! :)

    1. That is what I have heard and I have had it on my bookshelf for years. I'm ashamed! I need to read it this spring! Thanks for dropping by, Melissa!

  8. I have We Were Liars on my TBR pile too. I don't know if I will get to it this spring though. I loved The Bitter Kingdom. A great final book in the trilogy.

    I have read the first 4 books in the Outlander series but haven't gotten any further. My favorite is the first book though I also liked the third one. I am curious about the TV show and wish I had cable so I could watch it.

    1. I have heard from you and Lea that Bitter Kingdom is fantastic. I can't wait to read it, but I am sad to finish the trilogy. I am sure that Outlander will be my favorite book as well…that's usually the case with me and the first book in a series. Thanks for dropping by, Christina!

  9. This is the third time today I've seen the cover for Nantucket Red. I'm so intrigued. My pile is growing ... again.

    1. Yes! Nantucket Blue is the first book and it was one of my favorite beach reads last year. I hope you get to read it! Thanks for visiting, Heidi!

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. O Now I'm wondering what One Hundred Names is about.

    1. I am intrigued as well….looking forward to reading my first book by Cecilia Ahern! Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  12. Yes, you MUST read Speak! It's a really good book in my not so humble opinion. It's a pretty quick read too.

    ★ Under The Mountain's TTT ★

    1. That is what I have heard. I have NO CLUE why I have put it off for so long! Thanks for dropping by, Vickie!

  13. I love Speak! I'm so happy you'll be reading it! We Were Liars and Second Star are definitely on my TBR as well

    1. Yes! I can't wait to read it. I've heard amazing things. Thanks for dropping by, Christa!

  14. Fabulous spring TBR. The Bitter Kingdom and Summerset Abbey are wonderful books. And The Heiresses looks great! Happy reading!

  15. Hi from another Christina! Summerset Abbey is on my TBR list too, but I'm a little apprehensive about it…will be interested to see what you think!

    My top 10.

  16. Great picks! I am looking forward to reading a few of these myself, especially We Were Liars and Second Star because they both look really interesting. I have an eARC of Nantucket Red and bought myself Nantucket Blue and am looking forward to both, happy to see you loved the first book so much. I hope you find the time to get to them all :) My TTT.

  17. Yes to pretty much all of these. I can't wait to read We Were Liars, Nantucket Red, and Second Star. I've never read Speak, but I've heard great things. Good job reading all your Winter books. That's impressive. :) Great list!


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