Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Popular Authors I Have Never Read

This week I am sharing my top ten most popular authors I have never read. I share a few confessions and basically how I am a commitment-phobe when it comes to new series.  This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, so check it out! 

1. Jodi Picoult - I just never got around to reading her books probably because they seem so sad and emotional.  I saw the movie My Sister's Keeper and I sobbed for days.

2.  Tamora Pierce- How have I never read her novels? I feel like I need to remedy this situation since high fantasy is one of my favorite genres.

3. Sara Shepard - Ok, this is entirely my fault. I actually met Sara Shepard, she grew up in my neighborhood and I have a few of her (signed!!) novels sitting on my bookshelf.  I plan on reading The Heiresses this spring.

4.  Gillian Flynn- I sort of never got on board when Gone Girl was receiving a lot of attention. I plan on reading this novel though before the movie comes out. I promise!

5.  Rachel Caine- Everyone assumes I have read The Morganville Vampires series and I probably should have. I have even gone to a Rachel Caine book signing and have a few of her signed books on my shelf. I guess one of the main reasons I haven't started this series is the fact that there are 15 books in it.  Daunting!

6.  George R. R. Martin - My husband, my dad, and other friends love The Game of Thrones series. I will admit that I have only ever watched the TV show and I love it. I can't believe that I have watched the show before I read the book, but this is another really lengthy series that I am not sure I have time for right now. I mean the first book has 835 pages in it.

7.  A. S. King - This author has won numerous awards, but sadly enough, I haven't gotten around to her yet. 

8. E. L. James - Sometimes I feel like I am the last person on the universe to have read The Fifty Shades of Grey series, especially with the movie coming out. Is it bad that I don't even have a desire to? I am not being a bookish snob, but it just seems cheesy. 

9.  Marissa Meyer- All of my bookish friends love The Lunar Chronicles series, but I haven't picked it up yet. I think it's because I am, yet again, afraid to commit to another series.

10.  Holly Black- Confession: I have met Holly Black. She's awesome and I have a few of her books sitting on my shelf. Plus, her novel, Doll Bones, won the Newbery Medal Honor this year. What's my problem?

So, are you surprised by any of the authors that I haven't read? Which authors should I read drop everything and read immediately? Let me know what you think!


  1. George R. R Martin, definitely. I hope you'll be able to read The Lunar Chronicles soon. You won't be disappointed, I promise. :)

    1. That is what I hear! I am so nervous to start a new series since I am so behind on others. If I do gather the courage to start a new one, I'll be sure to pick up Lunar Chronicles. Thanks for visiting!

  2. I am really surprised you've never read Jodi Picoult, Christina! I think you would love her books! My Sister's Keeper and The Pact are two of my all time faves. I read both of those before I started blogging so I don't have reviews written, but suffice to say, they are both five star reads for me!

    You need to read Gone Girl. So dark and twisted. So good!

    1. I know…it's shocking isn' it?! I hear I would like her books and if you enjoyed them, I am sure I would as well. I definitely plan on reading Gone Girl, especially before I see the movie. Thanks for dropping by, Leanna!

  3. I picked up a copy of The Coldest Girl in Coldtown from the library and plan on reading it this month. I would have included her on my list this week, but I am so close to reading her book that I left her off the list.

    I still have to read Marissa Meyer as well. Here is my TTT: http://jacquesbooknook.blogspot.com/2014/03/top-ten-tuesday-authors-ive-never-read.html

    1. I want to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown sometime…I've heard good things! Thanks for visiting, Jacque!

  4. I've only read two of the authors on your list, so don't feel bad! I totally understand your feelings about new series. I'm unwilling to read any series now unless they are complete. This means I end up reading them years later, when the hype has died down and I no longer feel pressure to love them.

    That being said, I highly recommend Holly Black's White Cat. In my opinion, it's her best series of books.

    My list.


    1. I'm glad you understand my hesitation towards a new series! I've heard Holly Black's White Cat is awesome. I should check it out. Thanks for visiting, Kimberly!

  5. I haven't read 50 Shades of Grey and probably won't. So you aren't the last person not to read it :)

    1. I'm glad I am not alone in this! :) Thanks for dropping by, Linda!

  6. I've only read two of these authors - Holly Black and Marissa Meyer. I LOVE MARISSA MEYER (yep, that needed to be in all caps!). Definitely read Cinder!! I've read a few things by Black, some I like more than others. I loved Doll Bones (it's definitely middle grade, though, so if you don't like middle grade you may not like it), and I liked a lot White Cat. I wasn't a huge fan of Tithe.

    But I seriously need to read Tamora Pierce, too! She's on my list.

    1. I remember you said you were a fan of Lunar Chronicles…it seems everyone is! I need to get around to reading that series. I am definitely interested in Holly Black…hopefully I will find time to check out some of her books as well as Pierce's! Thanks for visiting, Quinn!

  7. Replies
    1. Me too! I am so hesitant to start a new series though. I saw that cinder was on sale as an e-book though, so I may get the nerve to buy it! Thanks for dropping by, Juju!

  8. I am not reading EL James either. Ever. It's just not for me. At all. I really enjoyed Cinder though.

    1. I don't think I'll read it either, although I am very curious about all the hype. I am not a book snob though...I do like historical romance novels though (read my first one this past december!) :) It seems everyone has enjoyed Cinder. Maybe I should check it out sooner than later! Thanks for dropping by, Shannon!

  9. I'm with you on 1, 2, 4, 5, and 8 (the last one I have no interest in changing).

    I'd highly recommend AS King's EVERYBODY SEES THE ANTS, and Marissa Meyer's books are fabulous (each book gets better and better with her series)!

    1. I will have to read Everybody Sees the Ants and I know how much you like Meyer's books…I will definitely have to make time. Thanks for visiting, Lea!


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