Monday, May 19, 2014

Movie Review and Giveaway: Vampire Academy

It should come as no surprise that I was dying to get my hands on a copy of the Vampire Academy movie, which comes out on DVD tomorrow. I am a huge fan of Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy series and was hoping to see a movie adaption that would do the series justice.  Here are my thoughts:

Pic from
Ok, so, there are some awesome moments and some cheesy moments in Vampire Academy. I think they did a good job casting Zoey Deutch as Rose. She was spunky, snarky, and tough.  It took me awhile to warm up to Lissa's casting, but she grew on me quickly. My heart skipped a beat when Mason came on screen. Mason was just as I imagined him as well as the casting for Christian.  But this leads me to my one issue with casting: Dimitri.

Oh, Dimitri, Dimitri, Dimitri. I loved sort of obsessed him in the books and I know that no casting is perfect, but what that what? At times, I felt like he possessed many physical characteristics of Dimitri, but at other times, he wasn't how I imagined him at all. Maybe it was the hair?  Maybe I have unrealistic expectations? 

Also, in the books, Mead does a great job of making Dimitri and Rose’s relationship a slow burn and I don't think that translated to the big screen at all. This is probably due to time constraints and also the fact that they were setting up for a sequel.  Either way,  it seemed more like insta-love, but I know that is not the case in the book.

Pic from
The screen writer, Daniel Waters (Heathers) and the producer, Mark Waters (Mean Girls) I think did a good job overall, but sometimes the writing didn't reflect the novel that well and the dialogue was a bit more cheesy than I would have like. At times, it was like watching something on the CW and at other times, it possessed so much potential; in fact, there were scenes that reminded me of Harry Potter

Nonetheless, Vampire Academy is a perfect escape for summertime.  I loved seeing one of my favorite books grace the big screen!  By the movie's end, I was hoping they would make a second one. *fingers crossed* 

So, onto the good stuff!!!! Guys, I am so excited to share this giveaway with you today. Thanks to PMK-BMC Film, I am hosting a giveaway for THREE Blu-Ray copies of Vampire Academy to three lucky US blog readers.  Please refer to my giveaway rules and the deadline is May 28th.  Good luck!

So, did you guys see this movie? What did you think? 


  1. Hmmm I love love love this series, but I've been SO on the fence about the movie. I think, like you said, Rose seems like the perfect Rose. Dimitri, however, doesn't seem like he'll be that heartthrob we know and love so much! Nevertheless, I'm intrigued! Thanks for sharing, Christina :)

    1. I was definitely intrigued too and so glad I watched it…there were some good moments and ultimately, I am hoping they make a movie of book two. We shall see! Thanks for visiting, Melissa!

  2. I haven't seen it yet, but the books were pretty good! I agree with you that sometimes our expectations are unrealistic!

    1. The books were amazing and I definitely suffer from unreal expectations. :) Thanks for dropping by, Cordelia.

  3. I didn't know the people behind Mean Girls and Heathers (two of my fave movies) were involved in this. The trailer is cheesy as hell and it sucks that they got Dimitri (and the romance) wrong. Still, I hope they get a second movie because I want to see Adrian!

    1. I love Mean Girls as well and YES to a second film so we can see Adrian on the big screen. ;) I definitely want to see that as well. Thanks for visiting, Leanna!


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