Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Five

So I thought it might be fun this summer to try writing a more personal post every Friday highlighting some things going on in my life that aren't necessarily book related.  Let me know what you think!

1.  Orange is the New Black - Ok, so I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon with this TV show.  I checked it out while we were on vacation and I was instantly hooked. I didn't think it would be something I liked, but I seriously wanted to binge watch it. Anyone else a fan?

Summertime Fun!
2.  The sprinkler - I got my little guy this caterpillar sprinkler and we have been having so much fun with it. It really takes me back to being a kid and running through the sprinkler with friends. Nothing says summer like a sprinkler and a wading pool, right?

3.  Nike Flex- I have a really bad knee and I should have probably gone to physical therapy for it this past fall, but I didn't. Oops. Anyway, my knee was acting up again and I decided to get new sneakers with the hopes that it would help. And guess what? It did! My new Nike Flex sneakers are awesome. I am sort of obsessed; plus, they are hot pink. 

4.  The Honest Company- Guys, I love this company big time. I use their cleaning supplies, sunscreen, bug spray (because the bugs LOVE me and would eat me alive without it), and diapers for my little guy. Their customer service is incredible and I can't say enough about their products.  If you are interested in trying their stuff, check out my invitation

5.  Sandlot - There is a park right by my house and I try to take my little guy as often as possible in order for him to burn off some energy and play with some friends.  Well, everyday I have gone there this week, there has been a group of boys playing baseball. It reminded me so much of Sandlot, one of my favorite movies. I am now determined to watch it again this summer. Who else loves this movie?

So, what have you guys been up to? Any new products, movies, or TV shows I should try out this summer? Let me know what you think. Happy Friday!


  1. Ooh, we've been binge-watching Orange, too!! About halfway through season two...

    1. We just started season two…SO GOOD! I am completely addicted! Thanks for visiting, Christy. I am glad you are loving Orange as well!

  2. LOVE this feature Christina! It's always so fun to get to know the person behind all the reviews. Your little guy is absolutely adorable, and you're completely right, nothing says summer like a sprinkler. I remember running through ours nearly everyday when I was little, and it never got old. And YES to the Sandlot! Love that movie:) And Goonies!

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I appreciate the kind thoughts. I was obsessed with my sprinkler as a kid. GOONIES…most definitely a favorite as well. Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Love this feature, too, Christina. I'll absolutely join in next week, if you don't mind. :)

    1. Thank you so much! :) I hope you join in! Can't wait to read your post!

  4. I love the Friday Five! I am still not sold on Orange is the New Black but still we usually like ALL THE SAME THINGS I am now thinking of checking it out!

    Like Jenny, Goonies is my fave! I heard they are making another movie!

    1. Thanks, Leanna! I wasn't really sold on it either and thought it was going to be too edgy for me, but needless to say, it sucked me in! Haha. I know…we totally like all the same things…I always listen to your recommendations! :) Goonies is awesome and I hope they make another movie! Thanks for dropping by and I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I haven't watched Orange is the New Black but my sister likes it and finds it addicting too.

    I hadn't heard of The Honest Company before but I will have to check it out. I am glad your son is enjoying playing in the sprinkler. My sister and I loved to do that when we were kids too.

    1. I am SO addicted to it even though parts of the show are definitely cringe-worthy. My son is addicted to all things water related, so the sprinkler is right up his alley. I loved the sprinkler when I was kid, too. I couldn't get enough! Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  6. LOVE it. I need a sprinkler toy!

    Honest has sunscreen? That I must look into.

    1. YES! I love their sunscreen and highly recommend it. Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  7. I just finished an Orange is the New Black marathon and feel like a fool for waiting to watch it - such a great show! Funnier than I thought it would be.

    Sprinklers! Glad to see those are still sources of summer fun for kids (although they appear to have become much nicer than the ones my brother and I played in as children)!

    Sandlot = Awesome. So fond of that film.

    1. I agree….OitNB is a lot funnier than I give it credit for. I loved sprinklers back in the day as well… and I'm glad you love Sandlot too. One of my favorites! Thanks for visiting, Lea!


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