Saturday, June 21, 2014

Stacking the Shelves and Giveaway Winners (50)

The Jewel by Amy Ewing - Thanks to HarperTeen and Edelweiss
Nantucket Sisters by Nancy Thayer - Thanks to Goodreads First Reads
Ruth's Journey by Daniel McCaig - Thanks to Atria and NetGalley
Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper - Thanks to Little Brown and NetGalley
Wish You Were Italian by Kristin Rae- Thanks to Becky at  Stories and Sweeties
City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments #6) by Cassandra Clare - Thanks to Media Muscle

A signed copy of Better off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg #59 - Erica J.

A signed copy of Summer State of Mind by Jen Calonita #12 - Autumn M.

The complete Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare and hoodie -
# 306 Erin W. 

"Beach Reads" Giveaway - #133 Tayte H.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green (movie tie-in cover) and TFiOS tote bag
- #96 Kristi

Congrats to all the winners! I hope you enjoy your books and thank you for entering.

So what do you guys think? Have you read any of these books? Let me know! This meme is hosted by Tynga at Tynga's Reviews.


  1. Salt and Storm's cover is really nice! I saw City of Heavenly Fire in my local bookshop and was shocked at the size of it - how is everyone lugging their books home from the bookshops? o.o

    Under The Mountain

    1. I love the cover of S & S as well…definitely one of my favorites. City of Heavenly Fire is huge- you are right! It may take me awhile to finish that one! Thanks for visiting, Vickie!

  2. You got some great books this week, Christina! I keep meaning to pick up a copy of Wish You Were Italian - sounds so cute and I have to say that judging by the cover Nantucket Sisters looks like THE perfect beach read - you'll have to let me know what you think of that one!

    1. Wish You Were Italian sounds so fun, right? And Nantucket Sisters looks perfect for vacation. I am hoping to get to that one soon. Thanks for dropping by, Leanna!

  3. Great haul! Jewel has been on everybody's wish list since it burst out of the scene. I hope it lives up to the hype. :)

    Happy reading!

    1. I know! It better not disappoint…I definitely have high hopes. Thanks for visiting!

  4. Great Haul!! I really need to catch up in the MI series now that City of Heavenly Fire is out. I've only read the first two books so far.

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books!! Here is my STS:

    1. Me too. I think I am two books behind….definitely hoping to get caught up to see how it all pans out for Jace and Clary. Thanks for visiting, Jacque!

  5. The Jewel and Salt and Storm look amazing. I hope you love all your new reads.

    Books of Love

    1. Thanks, Grace! I am excited for both books. Thanks for visiting!

  6. Nice haul this week! I have The Jewel and I can't wait to read it, it looks so good. Salt & Storm also looks really great. I hope you have a great reading week and enjoy all of your new additions :) Here's my STS.

    1. The Jewel and Salt and Storm are two of my most anticipated reads….hopefully they won't disappoint. Thanks for visiting!

  7. I'm very excited about The Jewel! I got it from EW too and I'll be reading it soon. I'm hoping it'll live up to that gorgeous cover. Wish You Were Italian sounds so cute! :)
    Enjoy your reads this week! :)

    Nick - My Haul

    1. I know! Me too, Nick! I have high hopes for The Jewel. Thanks for visiting!

  8. The Jewel looks cool. Love the cover!! City of Heavenly Fire was a good read XD I just recently finished it and wrote up a review on it XD Cannot believe the series of TMI is over. At least there is still TDA and TLH :D

    ~Maura @

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed City of Heavenly Fire…looking forward to getting caught up with that series. Thanks for dropping by, Maura.

  9. I'm reading Ruth's Journey, too--I'll have to watch and see what you think! You've got some fun books, there. Great haul!

    1. I am definitely curious about Ruth's Journey. I love all things Gone with the Wind, so I hope it's fantastic. Thanks for dropping by!

  10. Yay for all these books, though I haven't read any of them yet. Happy reading! :D
    Stacking the Shelves
    Free to Fall

  11. It's tempting to request Salt & Storm. Not like I truly need any more books until September! I have the Jewel, so let's hope we both end up liking it. Have a great week!

    1. I know! My TBR list is crazy, but Salt and Storm is one I am really looking forward to. Thanks for visiting, Shelley!

  12. I liked Wish You Were Italian and I have an ARC of Nantucket Sisters but haven't read it yet. I still need to get caught up on the last two Mortal Instruments books. Ruth's Journey sounds really interesting.

    1. Me too…I am behind with Mortal Instruments, but definitely hoping to get caught up. I am hoping to read Nantucket Sisters soon…definitely seems like my kind of read. Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  13. The Jewel and Salt & Storm, can't wait to read them, and love the covers! I still have to catch up with The Mortal Instruments series, though. :( Happy reading!

    Here's mine

    Kirsty @ StudioReads

    1. Me too…I am excited for both and I have to get caught up with TMI series as well. I wasn't that impressed with book four and sort of stopped with the series, but I need to get back into it! Thanks for visiting, Kirsty!

  14. Great haul, Christina! I'm excited for Salt & Storm---love a good witchy story!

  15. salt and storm sounds pirate-ish to me, so I need to check it out! Enjoy your books!

  16. I'm also quite excited for Salt and Storm. I've heard good things about Wish You Were Italian. It does look pretty cute. I've never read anything by Nancy Thayer, but I always like her cute, beach-y covers. Great haul this week! Happy reading!


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