Monday, June 23, 2014

The One by Kiera Cass

Pages: 323
Genre: YA Sci-fi
Pub. Date: May 6, 2014
Source: Personal Copy
Series: The Selection (#1), The Elite (#2)
My Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Goodreads says, "The highly anticipated conclusion to Kiera Cass's #1 New York Times bestselling Selection series, The One will captivate readers who love dystopian YA fiction and fairy tales. The One is the perfect finale for fans who have followed America's whirlwind romance since it began--and a swoon-worthy read for teens who have devoured Veronica Roth's Divergent, Ally Condie's Matched, or Lauren Oliver's Delirium The Selection changed America Singer's life in ways she never could have imagined. Since she entered the competition to become the next princess of IllĂ©a, America has struggled with her feelings for her first love, Aspen--and her growing attraction to Prince Maxon. Now she's made her choice . . . and she's prepared to fight for the future she wants."

America is one of four women left in the Selection and although she is the people's choice, Maxon's father, the King, is dead set against her.  According to him, she's unconventional, unpredictable and he can't control her, which would make for a bad princess.  In addition to America's concerns as to whom Maxon will choose, rebels have been attacking more and more.  They are now threatening various castes and violence ensues.  Plus, America's relationship with longtime friend and former love, Aspen, has always been hanging over her head since he's an important soldier in the castle.  Through all of this chaos, America realizes that she does love Maxon and needs to win his heart.  Kiera Cass's conclusion to the Selection series, The One, is a book that won't disappoint fans.  All the plot lines are tied up nicely and no questions remain.  

America has always been a fun heroine to follow in the Selection series. She's feisty, brave, determined, and does what she feels is right, even if it's a hard decision to make.  The only time her judgement has been a bit cloudy is when it comes to childhood friend, Aspen.  Their relationship has always been a bit blurry, but I am happy with where it went in The One.  

America's relationship with Maxon is explored more in The One and although he wasn't always my favorite in this series, he really grew on me in this book.  I was, obviously, able to predict where the story was going when it came to their relationship, but it didn't deter my enjoyment of the book.

There's a lot of action in The One, which I liked and it added to the novel's suspense.  The Southern rebels are constantly a threat and America and Maxon finds themselves directly involved with some violence.  Plus, there's always attacks and threats to the castle, which add to the drama.

The Selection series is such guilty pleasure of mine. I love to read these books over vacation, because they are such a fluffy and fun books to get lost in.  I am sad to finish the series, but I am extremely happy with how Cass ended it. If you like drama, romance, and an unpredictable dystopian world, check out this entertaining series this summer.  Now is the time, since The Selection is one sale for $2.99 as an ebook!


  1. I need to read this one soon to see how it all ends! Such a fun, fluffy series and a total guilty pleasure of mine too!

    1. It is such a fun series! I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Thanks for visiting, Leanna!

  2. I loved the first book in this series Christina, and while I struggled a bit with America's romantic waffling in the second one, I have to know who she ends up with and how everything all works out in this last book! I'm comforted by the fact that you were happy with how things played out with Aspen, I like him overall, but I'm still rooting for Maxon:)

    1. I know…book two was a struggle at times, but I think you will like how this ends up. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it…thanks for visiting, Jenny!

  3. Me too…it's perfect to read while on vacation…light, fun, and fluffy! Thanks for visiting, Danielle!

  4. I have to admit I've struggled with this series and almost DNF'ed book 2. But despite all that I STILL want to read this because I just need some closure and to know what happens to everyone.

    1. Yes, book two is tough for some people, but you should definitely finish the series if you enjoy light and fluffy reads. I read this book on vacation and it was perfect mind candy. Let me know what you think when you read it! Thanks for visiting, Christa!

  5. Oh I'm so glad you were satisfied. I didn't think I'd like this series and it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. I'm looking forward to this read even more.


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