Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Classics I Want to Reread

This week Top Ten Tuesday is all about classic literature and I chose to focus on which classics I would love to reread. This is a fun topic for me as I was an English major in college and love classic literature.  It was tough to narrow it to ten, but let me know what you think! (Sshhh…I cheated a bit and added some volumes of poetry I'd love to reread!). 

1.  Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - I was obsessed with this series as a kid and would love to revisit it.  I even bought a brand new hardback copy for my "favorites" book shelf!

2.  Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell - I read this book in middle school and then reread it a few years later. I absolutely love it and I think I am due for a re-read soon!

3.  To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - I have reread this multiple times and it never gets old.

4. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Mr. Darcy. Need I say more?

5. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas - I love this story of revenge, love and adventure. 

6. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald - For the most part, I loved the latest version of Gatbsy with DiCaprio. It has inspired me to reread this book.

7. The Poetry of Robert Frost by Robert Frost - I could always use more Frost in my life. I love his poetry.

8.  New and Selected Poems by Mary Oliver - I also love her poetry and have a copy of it on my coffee table now. She never gets old.

9.  Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - I haven't read this book since high school and would love to reread it with "older" eyes.

10.  The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot - I remember being so impressed by this book in college. It was one of those situations where I thought I would hate it, but I ended up loving it.  It definitely deserves a reread.

What classics do you want to reread? Which ones are your favorite classics?  Let me know!  This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, so check it out! 


  1. A huge yes to Pride and Prejudice an To Kill a Mockingbird Christina! Those are two I really loved and that didn't feel like homework when I had to read them in school. I've only seen the movie version of The Count of Monte Cristo, but I loved it and would like to try the book one day:) Thanks for sharing these!

    1. Me too. I love them! You must read Monte Cristo--the book is even better than the movie. (duh) haha. Thanks for visiting, Jenny!

  2. Gone With the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird and Little Women are some of my all time favorites! Great list!
    My TTT

  3. I am in love with To Kill A Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby. Wonderful list of books!

  4. The only one I have read is To Kill A Mockingbird. So many others on your list that I want to read someday.
    Great list!

    1. I hope you get to read some of the other soon…they are all fabulous! Thanks for visiting, Stephanie!

  5. I can't tell you how many times I read and re-read Little Women, Christina. It was my favourite as a girl. And, of course, To Kill a Mockingbird and Pride & Prejudice will always make my list. They're timeless! So glad to see some similarities in our tastes :)

  6. I have read most of the books on your list which kind of surprised me because I always feel deficient in reading the classics. Some of my favorites include Pride and Prejudice, Persuasion, Jane Eyre, Les Miserables, and Little Women.

    1. I actually have never read Les Mis, which is crazy, because it's one of my favorite musicals. I should probably check it out sometime! Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  7. I still haven't read Mill on the Floss--that's a good one! Nice list. :)

  8. I have only read Count of Monte Cristo in your list and that was a long time ago and I mostly forgot the story. I'd like to rereade that book too!
    my top ten tuesday: http://wp.me/p3v5T1-sM

  9. Sorry it took me so long to reply, but I was on vacation last week. Great list!! I loved Gatsby as well. I read several of the others you listed back in high school, but it has been so long that I really don't remember them. It is probably time for a reread.

    Thanks for stopping by my TTT last week!!


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