Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Five (7)

So I thought it might be fun this summer to try writing a more personal post every Friday highlighting some things going on in my life that aren't necessarily book related.  Let me know what you think!

1.  Summer Reading Goal Update - I set a goal to read 15 particular books this summer and I have read all but three, which I think is pretty good as I tend to be a random reader. I hope to read two more from the list before summer is over. How have you guys done with your summer reading goals?

2.  Robin Williams - There are no words that will do Robin Williams or my feelings towards him justice, but I know this scene from Dead Poets Society (one of my favorite movies!) has made a big impact on my life. He was so very talented and will be sorely missed.

3.  Autumn, already? - I was at the supermarket this past Sunday and noticed something that stopped me in my tracks: fall leaves and pumpkin decorations.  Yes, that's right. It was barely mid-August and the store was decorated for fall. Now don't get me wrong, I love me some pumpkin and football, but seriously? Why must we rush through every season? It's not even Labor Day yet! The summer girl within me was sobbing.  Are they going to decorate for Christmas in October? I am tired of rushing through life. Ridiculous.

4.  The Giver movie - Anyone planning to see this movie? I love The Giver and am excited to see it being made into a movie.  I hope that the movie does this book justice. I remember when I student taught this book eleven years ago. Boys and girls alike were completely engrossed. It's such a great novel!

 Avalon, NJ - Source
5.  Beachin' It- I normally head to the beach most weekends, but it has been almost a month since I have been there (cue all the tears), thanks to being sick a lot this summer and some stormy weather. I am FINALLY going back down to the shore this weekend and I couldn't be happier. Let's hope some sun, a good book, and my little guy playing in the ocean is in the equation this weekend.

Thanks for visiting and Happy Friday,


  1. Enjoy the beach! I hope you get some sun!

    The Robin Williams news was very sad to hear. :(

    1. Thank you, Leanna! I hope you are enjoying your blog break!

  2. I love autumn. It's probably the one season I don't mind seeing early. But I feel ya.

    You're so right on Robin. There are no words to do him justice.

    Alice Marvels said The Giver was not very good. I'm thinking rental.

    1. I have heard some mixed reviews for The Giver as well. I may wait to rent it. I have such high hopes for it! Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  3. I always enjoy your blog. Thank you. I've mentioned your site in my post of August 15, 2014.

  4. I was very sad about Robin Williams too. I loved Dead Poets Society. I watched it in college with my other education/English major friends.

    I hate when stores rush the seasons. Last year I did see Christmas stuff out at K-Mart in October. So commercial :( I am not ready for summer to be over. We haven't even had hot summer weather yet and now it is cooler in the mornings again. I will enjoy it while it lasts I guess. I did not make any summer reading goals though I did finish rereading A Game of Thrones this summer which I had been wanting to do for awhile. Good job with your reading goals! Sounds like you are right on track.

    I am not sure if I will see The Giver in theaters. I may or I might go and see If I Stay instead.

    Have a great time at the beach!

    1. Me too. Dead Poets is one of my favorite moves ever. I may see If I Stay over The Giver as well and wait for it to come out on DVD, too.

      Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  5. I haven't even come close to my reading goals. I've barely read at all these past few weeks. I need to get back to it. I miss it! Robin Williams's death was such devastating news. It made me so sad. I don't even want to think about it. I hope you have a fabulous beach weekend!!

    1. Me too…he was one of my favorite actors. Good luck with your move and getting adjusted in Florida. Let me know how it goes. Thanks for visiting, Natalie!

  6. Yesss, I'm in so much agreement on being tired of being rushed through seasons! I've been mourning for my lack of summer sun and beach time the last few weeks, and then I saw Halloween costumes in Costco! What the?! Sigh.

    Robin Williams made me so happy over the years. <3 I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Me too. I am not a fan of how they rush into each season…I am such a beach bum that I have a hard time letting summer go. Thanks for visiting, Jennifer!

  7. So sad about Robin Williams. I grew up watching his films, and his comedic work could always make me grin. I hope he's in a better place now.

    I'm excited for The Giver movie! I'm planning on seeing it this Friday or Saturday...and I'm hoping they didn't change too much of the original story!

    1. I know, right?! Me too, Lea. So sad. :( You will have to let me know your thoughts on The Giver. Thanks for visiting!


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