Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Five (9)

So, I was all about the "Friday Five" during the summertime and I posted my Friday favorites religiously, but now that fall is upon us, I will be posting my "Friday Five" a little bit more sporadically.   Let me know what you think!

1.  Yankee Candle - My name is Christina and I am obsessed with Yankee Candles. My current favorite is one of their new scents, Apple Spice. It smells like fall, apple cider and apple donuts all wrapped into one delicious package. It smells like I have been slaving away in the kitchen all day baking apple dumplings. Amazing

2.  Fall TV Shows- So, what TV shows are you guys watching this fall? I have my usual favorites set for recording on my DVR (Scandal, Nashville, Parenthood, and Reign) but what new shows are you going to watch? Gotham looks pretty darn good and How To Get Away With Murder. Any other TV shows catch your eye?


3. Vivino, A New-To-Me Wine App- There's this new wine app called Vivino that I really love. It gives you lists of wines that they recommend regarding price range, types, etc, and you can take a picture of a bottle of wine and it will give you reviews, what to pair it with, and how much it retails for. It's seriously cool and I highly recommend it if you like a good glass of wine. Also, if you are like me and sort of get overwhelmed in a wine store, this app will give you some inspiration and guidance.

4.  The Killing on Netflix- Guys, my husband and I stumbled upon this show on Netflix when we were on vacation and I remembered Leanna at Daisy Chain Book Reviews raving about it, so I knew I had to at least check it out because we like all the same things, except I am sort of a baby about scary shows. Well, The Killing is awesome and it wasn't too "scary" for me. It's probably one of the best crime dramas I've come across. Have you guys seen it?

5.  Amy Dunne From Gone Girl and Her Pinterest Page - I am finally reading Gone Girl. Yes, finally. Cue the applause. Like any good bookworm, I knew I had to read it before the movie came out.  I am so excited to share the Pinterest page for Amy Dunne, the character who goes missing in the story. What a cool idea, right?  Below is the write-up for Amy Dunne's Pinterest page. Go check it out!
"Amy Dunne is missing. Her Pinterest page has been found. Gone Girl's Amy Dunne has a Pinterest account you can explore. In the upcoming movie thriller Gone Girl directed by David Fincher, ‘Amazing Amy’ Dunne (Rosamund Pike) has gone missing and all eyes are on her husband Nick (Ben Affleck.) Everyone is wondering ‘Did Nick kill his wife?’ As evidence mounts and speculation rises, Amy’s past is coming into focus on Pinterest. What was she like? What were her interests? Did she leave any clues? Explore for yourself at  
Keep your eye out for an awesome Gone Girl giveaway here on the blog next week. I am so excited to see the Gone Girl movie which hits theaters October 3rd. Did you guys see the movie trailer yet?

Happy Friday and thanks for visiting,


  1. Apple Spice sounds like a wonderful and yummy candle fragrance. I am kind of craving apple cider at the moment. I like Yankee candles and I have an electric warmer with some of their tart candle melts that I need to try out this fall. I also love some of the Bath & Body Works fall and winter candle fragrances too.

    I am eagerly anticipating the start of Once Upon a Time season 4. I sometimes watch Dancing With the Stars (like this past spring) but this time I don't think I'm as interested. I am also looking forward to finding out what happens on season 5 of Downton Abbey though I may just read the episode recaps instead of paying for a Tunnelbear subscription this year. The trailer looks really good! Reign kind of interested me but by the time I found it on Hulu only the later episodes of Season 1 were available. Maybe I will get caught up one day.

    I kind of want to read Gone Girl now though I'm not sure I'd like it because of the characters. Maybe I will just see the movie. Gasp...I know I'm terrible! I hope you like the book :)

    1. I love Bath & Body Works Candles as well….definitely a fan! I forgot about Downton. I can't wait to watch the next season.I wish it started sooner than January though, but at least it's something to look forward to this winter. Reign is super cheesy at times and completely inaccurate, but it's so much fun and entertaining! You need to read Gone Girl, Christina, although it really bothered me at times, because I hated both main characters…ha. I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Ooooooooooooo I need some fall candles.

    That Pinterest page is so cool. I need to read that asap.

    1. I know, right?! Such a good idea to have Amy Dunne's Pinterest page. The book is definitely addicting and an edge of your seat read. (Some parts are upsetting though!) I hope you get to read it soon! Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  3. I, too, absolutely LOVE Yankee Candles; nothing quite compares, does it? Also, thanks to your recommendation on Twitter, I am definitely enjoying my new Vivino app! Well, I will definitely be watching (they started again this week!) The New Girl and The Mindy Project; I love Parenthood, and The Red Band Society looks like a good new show, so I may check it out (I work in a hospital, so I'm a sucker for the medical shows). I had NO IDEA about the Amy Dunne Pinterest page - GAH! Thanks for sharing! Wish we could have a movie-watching party! :) Thanks for sharing; I love your Friday Five posts!

    1. The Vivino app is pretty great. You'll have to let me know your thoughts. Thanks for the new show recommendations. I will definitely check Red Band Society out. And yes to a movie watching party---if only we all lived closer! :( I am so excited for Gone Girl though! Thanks for visiting!! :)

  4. I'm a Yankee fan too! Altho I have to admit: I've abandoned them after discovering bath & body works candles. They are so fragrant! Fills the whole room.

    I can't wait for Revenge! Best show!

    1. I have tried Bath and Body Works Candles as well and really enjoy them too. There are a few Yankee Candles though that I'll never give up…creature of habit! haha. I am a season behind with Revenge…I need to get caught up! Hopefully through Netflix. Thanks for visiting, Trish!

  5. Gotham and How To Get Away With Murder are on my watch list this season. Also looking forward to the second season of Agents of Shield, and the next season of American Horror Story...and now I'm starting to wonder when I'll have time to watch all of these! Too many great shows, not enough time :(

    Great post! Can't wait to see your thoughts on Gone Girl, I'm debating on whether or not to read it.

    1. Thanks for the recommendations! I will have to check out Agents of Shield. AHS is too scary for me. I saw season one and nearly died---haha.

      You must read Gone Girl! My review will be up next week. It's totally disturbing and in a good way. I am totally envious of the author…brilliantly written. Thanks for visiting, Lea!

  6. Ha! I love your wine app and I LOVE that you love The Killing. Honestly, I thought that show might be a little scary for you! ;) Cannot wait for Gone Girl. I followed Amy on Pinterest!

    1. I know, right?! Shocking that I am loving The Killing. I even surprised myself! I have watched the first few episodes of season three. I can't wait to see the Gone Girl movie and the different ending! Thanks for visiting, Leanna!


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