Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Were Hard For Me To Read

This week's topic is books that were hard for me to read.  I chose to go with books that made me a bit uncomfortable as I was reading them or books that took me out of my comfort zone, because they dealt with serious issues or had characters that were abrasive.  Either way, some of these books are on my favorite list for sure!

1.  Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - Don't get me wrong. I love this book, but there were some major cringe-worthy moments and I definitely put this book down a few times. If you read this book, you know what I am talking about. Nonetheless, it's one of my top ten favorite books.

2.  Dreamland by Sarah Dessen - This story is about abuse and it really broke my heart.

3.  Summer on the Short Bus by Bethany Crandell - I enjoyed this book, but the main character is an extremely ignorant person, so I had a hard time with a few of her comments regarding people with disabilities.

4.  Tempting Fate by Jane Green - I also enjoyed this book, but it deals with cheating. Sometimes that's a tough pill to swallow; however, that didn't deter me from enjoying this beach read!

5.  Undone by Cat Clarke - Gosh, I loved this book, but it was sad as it deals with suicide. I definitely sobbed. Many times.

6.  The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold - This book broke my heart. Cue all the tears.

7.  Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn - I also loved this book, but it was so deeply disturbing and I sort of loathed both main characters.

8.  The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank - I absolutely love Anne's diary. Her words are so profound and moving. It truly makes me sad to think about what she and her family went through, along with many other Jewish people living during that time.

9.  The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan - There are zombies. Need I say more? I really don't read many "horror" books, so this one scared the pants off me.

10.  Miles From Ordinary by Carol Lynch Williams- This is such a well-written story, but the main character's home life is a sad one as a parent has a mental illness. Some parts were definitely tough to read.

So, which books were hard for you to read? Let me know what you think of my list!  This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.


  1. I only made it to the wedding scene in Outlander before I had to walk away. I wanted to leave them at a happy moment because I knew things were going to get bad for them and I didn't want to experience that along with them! I am a coward ;-) I was super glad the show stopped where it did too, and I'm both dying for and dreading the next 8 episodes! So good though:)

    1. Haha. That's a smart move, Jenny, because as much as I love Outlander, parts of it broke my heart. I must admit that I am glad I finished it as well as Dragonfly in Amber. Regarding the show…WOW. I am dreading a particular scene….I hope they handle it ok, but either way, definitely looking forward to the rest of the season. Thanks for dropping by, Jenny!

  2. So on the same page with Dreamland. Broke my heart into so many pieces.

    Good list!
    Chelsea @ Books Turn Brains

    1. I glad I am not the only one. Usually Dessen can be pretty lighthearted for the most part, so I was surprised about the serious aspect of this book. Thanks for visiting, Chelsea!

  3. I am so with you on Gone Girl. I don't think I have ever been that disturbed (without being scared) by any character in a book.

    1. I know, right?! It's haunting and I thought about the characters long after I finished the book. Thanks for visiting!

  4. The length of the Outlander series is pretty crazy and it takes me quite some time to read through the books….I heart GoT is the same way. My husband loves those books! Thanks for visiting!

  5. The Forest of Hands and Teeth was definitely a creepy read and so was the rest of the trilogy. I also had a hard time with parts of Outlander.

    I agree that The Diary of Anne Frank was hard to read too. If I'd made a list, I would include Me Before You by Jojo Moyes and The Fault in Our Stars.

    1. YES! That book scared the bejesus out of me. Zombies definitely aren't my thing. TFiOS is a good pick…almost made my list. I've never read Jojo Moyes, but definitely want to. I have a copy of her latest sitting on my bookshelf! Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  6. Dreamland always makes me cry at the end. That book is always a struggle for me, but worthwhile to read. And The Forest of Hands and Teeth!! Definitely some scary moments!

    Fantastic top ten!

    1. I know! I agree. Love, LOVE Sarah Dessen. And yes to Hands and Teeth…a good book, but a bit too scary for me. I hate zombies. Thanks for visiting, Lea!


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