Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Waiting on Wednesday: The Witch Hunter

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine.  "Waiting on Wednesday" spotlights upcoming releases that I'm eagerly anticipating.

The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker
Pub. Date: June 2, 2015

Goodreads says, "Elizabeth Grey is one of the king's best witch hunters, devoted to rooting out witchcraft and doling out justice. When she's accused of being a witch herself, Elizabeth is arrested and sentenced to die at the stake. Salvation comes from a man she thought was her enemy. Nicholas Perevil, the most powerful wizard in the kingdom, offers her a deal: he will save her from execution if she can break the deadly curse that's been laid upon him. As she's thrust into the world of witches, ghosts, pirates, and all-too-handsome healers, Elizabeth is forced to redefine her ideas of right and wrong, and of love and hate."
Yes, to ghosts, witches, pirates (yay!), and healers. Yes to it all! What do you guys think? 


  1. Ghosts, witches and pirates? Yes, please! Sounds amazing! Just added yet another to my wishlist! Awesome choice, thanks for sharing Christina!

    1. You're welcome! I love the sound of it too! :) Thanks for visiting, Kristi!

  2. Love it! I hope you'll enjoy. :)

  3. I haven't seen this before, but it sounds really good. I hope you enjoy it!!

    Here is my WoW:

  4. Sounds exciting...and what a cover! Thanks for sharing...and enjoy.

    Here's mine: “UNBECOMING”

  5. I was sold at witches and pirates too - I kind of love reading about both, so it rocks to have them all in one book!

    Fabulous WOW choice :D

  6. I second that "yes" Christina! I LOVE the sound of this one, and I need that gorgeous cover on my shelf immediately so I can stare at it and drool over it:)

    1. Me too and I love the cover as well! Thanks for visiting, Jenny!

  7. I hadn't heard of this before but it sounds fantastic!

    1. I agree, Christina! It has all the ingredients to be a good fantasy novel! Thanks for visiting!

  8. I'm excited for this one, too. It sounds so intriguing. I love me some pirates. Great pick!

    1. haha. Me too, Natalie! I am all about them. Thanks for visiting!


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