Friday, October 24, 2014

A Visit to Jane Austen's House

Jane Austen's House Musuem - Chawton, England
When I recently traveled to England with my husband's work and found out that the hotel we were staying at was in Hampshire, the countryside, I immediately started to plan our day trip to the Jane Austen House Museum in Chawton.  I'm so glad visited and wanted to re-cap a few highlights with you guys.

Chawton village
Jane lived in this beautiful country home for the last eight years of her life. The quaint town of Chawton is absolutely adorable. I could have spent a whole afternoon just wandering the town. 

While living at Chawton, Jane edited Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey as well as Pride and Prejudice while living there. She wrote Mansfield Park, Emma and Persuasion while living there.  

The museum houses many Austen artifacts, such as her writing table, her much talked about turquoise ring, various pieces of Austen furniture, her books, and you can even view pieces written in Jane's own handwriting.  Also, on display was The Watsons, a manuscript, which was never finished. It was incredible to see Jane's writing and her editing with my own eyes.

Various displays at the Jane Austen House Museum - Chawton, England
I also really enjoyed seeing the original bakehouse, the Austen donkey carriage, as well as what Jane's bedroom would have looked like. She apparently she shared it with her beloved sister Cassandra; I had no idea they were so close.  Also on display were various costumes from Austen films, such as Mansfield Park.

Jane Austen's Writing Table - Chawton, England
What really struck me the most after visiting was the size of Jane's writing table. I, for one, would have definitely needed more space, but obviously this worked for Jane. I was very impressed. Could you guys function on a table that small?

I had a great time touring Jane Austen's House Museum. The Chawton "cottage" was beautiful and I loved seeing artifacts as well as personal items that were once Jane's.  The gift shop was a Jane Austen fan's heaven and straight up out of Austenland. I had to refrain from buying all the "I love Mr. Darcy" souvenirs which were affixed with Colin Firth's picture. Not sure I've seen that in the US! 

Me visiting the Jane Austen House Museum in Chawton, England
If you are a Janeite and ever find yourself in the English countryside, I recommend visiting this interesting house.  Let me know what you guys think of my trip to Jane Austen's House Museum and let me know what's your favorite Austen novel? (Mine is Pride and Prejudice, naturally, with Persuasion being my second favorite!)


  1. I'm so glad you got to visit Chawton and thanks for sharing the pictures! That desk is extremely tiny! On the plus side there is less room for all the junk that I typically pile on my desks so I think writing would be more productive :)

    My favorite Jane Austen novels are Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion too. My least favorite novel is Northanger Abbey.

    1. I know, right?! That is what a few of my friends said…the smaller the desk, the less junk on it. I agree…Northanger Abbey isn't a favorite of mine! Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  2. Oh! A dream. A bucket list stop to end all stops. You are so lucky, and I'm painfully jealous.

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you! I also want to see the Jane Austen landmarks at Bath, but we weren't close enough….next time! Thanks for visiting!

  3. OMG OMG OMG what coolness. I long to do this.

    I love little antique side tables like this.

    Your pictures are awesome. I'm only wishing you had a photo of the souvenir shop to share with us.

    1. Me too! I don't know about writing a full length novel on it, but it is a nice table. :) I should have taken a picture of the souvenir shop…it was a sight to behold! Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  4. Ooh! I work in a bookshop near Jane Austen' s House. Never been though. Which I really should retify!

    Glad you enjoyed your visit :-)

    1. Do you really? That's awesome. I love the village of Chawton…so quaint and picturesque. You are lucky you work nearby…such a beautiful town! You should definitely visit Jane Austen's House….if you love books and you love Jane, it's worth it! Thanks for visiting!


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