Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I Want To Be For Halloween

This week's Top Ten Tuesday is focusing on Halloween. Being a book lover, I am always on the look out for great literary Halloween costumes. Here are the character I want to be for Halloween. Let me know what you think!

1.  Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - Because she's awesome, obviously.  And because I have a strong desire to learn how to use a bow and arrow.

2.  Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby by F. S. Fitzgerald-  Who doesn't love the Roaring Twenties? Yes, to all things flapper.

3.  Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell - My dress would be epic.

4.  Claire Beauchamp Fraser from Outlander by Diana Gabaldon - My hair could definitely fit the requirement.

5.  Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling- Ok. I may have done this one year complete with a Hogwarts tie, cape and magic wand.

6.  Belle from the Beauty and the Beast fairytale by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont - She's my favorite Disney princess by far.

7.  Mary Poppins from Mary Poppins series by P. L. Travers - Who doesn't love her? Now if only I could convince my husband to be a chimney sweeper and my son to be one of the Banks' children.

8.  Nancy Drew from the Nancy Drew series by Carolyn Keene - My favorite detective and cultural icon.

9.  Khaleesi from Game of Thrones series by George R. R. Martin - I have wanted to be her for Halloween for a few years now and make my son one of the dragons.

10.  Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's by Truman Capote - I would try to channel Audrey Hepburn and I'd probably have a lot of fun carrying around a cigarette holder.

So, what do you think of my list? Who do you want to be for Halloween? Let me know your thoughts! This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.


  1. Daisy. Definitely Daisy!

    This is a great inspiration. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. I know, right?! I love her even though she is so vain and pretty much a horrible person. haha. Thanks for visiting!

  2. These would make fantastic costumes! I've seen a lot of Khaleesi inspired costumes at the store and even saw a picture of a dog dressed up like that. It was a little creepy.

    1. Haha. A dog?! Yikes, that is scary! Thanks for visiting, Christina!

  3. First of all, I would love to be Hermione for Halloween. Second, is Belle your favorite because she reads? When I was younger, I would tell people that's why she was my favorite. :)

    1. Yes, Belle is my absolute favorite Disney princess. :) Thanks for dropping by!

  4. Belle would be so interesting to do! I love Hermione, but I have Cho and Bellatrix on my list.

    1. Bellatrix would be SO fun to be for Halloween. Great call with that one! Thanks for visiting, Kate.

  5. I actually was Belle one Halloween (it's my twitter profile pic) and I plan to be Mary Poppins this year! That would be so cute if you were Daenarys and your son was a dragon! And Claire is a great choice too. Great list!
    Cassi @ My Thoughts Literally

    1. Nice! Great minds think alike. :) I love your twitter pic! Thanks for visiting, Cassi!

  6. I love your list. I kept thinking, "Oooo yes! Yes! Totally. Her too!"

    1. Haha. Right?! I don't really get dressed up for Halloween anymore, but this list is so tempting! Thanks for visiting, Juju!

  7. "9. Khaleesi from Game of Thrones series by George R. R. Martin - I have wanted to be her for Halloween for a few years now and make my son one of the dragons. "

    PLEASE DO THIS CHRISTINA!!!! It would ridiculously adorable:) I wouldn't mind being Claire either, provided Jamie gets to accompany me everywhere I go. *swoon*

    1. Haha. I know, right?! Wouldn't it be hilarious? If only I could convince my husband to be Jon Snow. I am loving the idea of Claire for Halloween and I would totally need a Jamie accompanying me, like you said! :) I can't wait for that show to come back on! Thanks for visiting, Jenny!

  8. Great list! I would love to be Nancy Drew some year myself. I did my TTT on books to read to get in the spirit. Happy Halloween!

    1. Me too…love me some Nancy Drew. Thanks for visiting, Marie!

  9. Oh goodness, a Nancy Drew costume would be amazing on so many levels!

    My TTT

    1. Haha. My thoughts exactly. :) Thanks for visiting, Christianna!

  10. You picked some great choices! Especially some I hadn't thought of like Daisy, Scarlett and Holly. All of these women look fantastic! A few of your choices made my own list, which you can glance at



    1. Thank you! I'm glad you like my picks and thanks for visiting!

  11. Katniss was my #1, too! :) Great inspirational list!!

  12. We have soooooo much in common, haha. I was actually planning on going as Mary Poppins this year but couldn't find the right skirt that was cheaper than $50, so I'm opting for my go-to Little Red Riding Hood instead. I also want to be Katniss, Belle and Hermione. Great list!

    1. Haha. Love it! Little Red Riding Hood is a fantastic choice as well. Thanks for visiting!


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