Tuesday, November 4, 2014

It's That Time Again: NaNoWriMo

So, it's that time of the year again! National Novel Writing Month.  Who is participating? Let me know. I'd love to be writing buddies. My name on there is Chris327.  I have been participating for about five years, but have only won one time. The difference for me between winning and not winning is all about planning. Last year I had a great idea and did some research/planning way ahead of time.  

This year I also have a great idea, but haven't done any planning ahead of time. Cue the anxiety. I am in the midst of research as I type. I am off to a good start, but I am not sure how long that will last.  So, we will see! Plus, I am not 100% sold on my idea. It's sort of playing out in my mind still.

Last year's novel was a YA historical fiction/fantasy novel and this year, it's more YA historical fiction, loosely based on tidbit of information I found out about a really interesting spy.  It involves some research on my end, so I am kicking myself for not preparing prior to November 1st.

Well played, Agatha. Well played.

Nonetheless, I am going to give it try, because whether I win or not, I feel it's good practice, right?  The blog will be pretty quiet during the month of November, which means I will only be posting sporadically and updating you guys on my status of NaNoWriMo. I just wanted to give you a heads up.

So, let me know if you are participating in NaNoWriMo and share some tips with me or let me know what you are writing about!

Back to drink more coffee and write, write, write,


  1. Good luck, Christina! I'm rooting for you!!

  2. I am participating as well. My name is Buffywnabe on the site. I tried looking up your name but couldn't find it. I'd love to be friends as well!

    1. The Nano site hasn't been working very well for me lately. I will try to find you on there! Thanks for visiting, Lisa!

  3. GO CHRISTINA!!!!! I'm so in awe of everyone who participates in NaNo, creative writing has never been something I've excelled at! Wishing you the best of luck and hope one day to see what started here on bookshelves:)

  4. I hope you win this year! Good luck and have fun with the research :)

    1. Thanks, Christina! So far so good. I am hoping I can keep it up!


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