Thursday, September 14, 2017

What I'm Reading Next (2)

Last month I shared what I was throwing in my beach bag for one last month of summer bliss, so this month I'll be sharing the books that I hope will grace my nightstand.

This month I have decided to go old school. I am cutting back on the amount of review books that I am reading and I am am hopefully going to hit up some of the books that have been collecting dust on my shelves.

YA Fiction:

The Next Together by  Lauren James - I am so glad I received this book for review, because I have been meaning to read it! This is a YA novel with some time travel, so it sounds right up my alley!

When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon - I vow to read this book this fall. I haven't read a bad review for it!

Speak Easy Speak Love by McKelle George  - I also received this one for review and this YA debut sounds really fun. Who doesn't love the 1920s?

Adult Fiction:

The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley - I have had this one on my shelf for what seems to be FOREVER.  I enjoyed Kearsley's Mariana and I loved The Winter Sea, so I am excited to check this book out.  I love time travel, historical fiction, and I like the Cornwall setting of this novel, so it should be a hit.

The One That Got Away by Melissa Pimentel - I also received this for review and am looking forward to reading this modern retelling of Austen's Persuasion.


The Secret by Julie Garwood - This was leftover my last month's TBR pile and I have heard such good things about this historical romance. I must make time for this book this month!

I am more than a little bummed that summer is coming to a close, but there's something nice about cozying up with a good fall read. What do you hope to read this September? Let me know in the comments below.


  1. I have The Winter Sea on my shelf but haven't picked it up yet, and I want to read The Rose Garden, too! Her books sound like stories I would really enjoy. I read The One Who Got Away recently, but I haven't read Persuasion, so I'm not sure how that affected my enjoyment of the book!

    1. I've read some mixed reviews for The One Who Got Away, but I am hoping to still give it a try soon. The Winter Sea is my favorite of Kearsley' should definitely check it out if you like historical fiction! Thanks for visiting, Angela.

  2. I just read When Dimple Met Rishi and I LOVED it. I hope you really end up enjoying that one. Speak Easy Speak Love is one that I definitely want to check out. It sounds so good, and I love that cover.

    1. I can't wait to read it! I hope to read it next. Thanks for visiting, Julie!


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