Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday: Folded Notes from High School

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine.  "Waiting on Wednesday" spotlights upcoming releases that I'm eagerly anticipating.

Folded Notes from High School by Matt Boren 
Pub. Date: April 3, 2018

Goodreads says, "It's 1991, and Tara Maureen Murphy is finally on top. A frightening cross between Regina George and Tracy Flick, Tara Maureen Murphy is any high school's worst nightmare, bringing single-minded ambition, narcissism, manipulation, and jealousy to new extremes in this outrageous, satirical twist on the coming-of-age novel. She's got a hot jock boyfriend in Christopher Patrick Caparelli, her best friend Stef Campbell by her side, and she's a SENIOR, poised to star as Sandy in South High's production of Grease. Cinching the role is just one teensy step in Tara's plot to get out of her hometown and become the Broadway starlet she was born to be. She's grasping distance from the finish line--graduation and college are right around the corner--but she has to remain vigilant.  "This dumb town, as we know, can be a very tricky place." --Tara Maureen Murphy  It gets trickier with the arrival of freshman Matthew Bloom, whose dazzling audition for the role of Danny Zuko turns Tara's world upside down. Freshmen belong in the chorus, not the spotlight! But Tara's outrage is tinged with an unfamiliar emotion, at least to her: adoration. And what starts as a conniving ploy to "mentor" young Matt quickly turns into a romantic obsession that threatens to topple Tara's hard-won status at South High....

Ok, so my first thought was oh, sh*t, is 1991 considered historical fiction? I mean I went to high school in the late nineties, so this was definitely a punch in the gut.  But I love the 90s and I love Grease, so I can't wait to check this one out. Doesn't this sound like such a fun read? What do you guys think?


  1. LOL, 1991 as historical fiction? That makes me feel super old. I love Grease, too, so this sounds like fun! But also maybe a bit dark!

    1. I know, right? I think it will definitely be a fun read. Thanks for visiting, Angela!

  2. Grease is my favorite movie !

    1. Nice! So this one is right up your alley, Alex. Thanks for visiting.

  3. Yes! I am dying for this one...while trying to not be super offended by the whole "historical" fiction aspect. I cleaned out my closet a couple of months ago and found all sorts of folded notes from high school. How they made it through a billion moves is the question. Lol. Great pick!

    1. Haha! Nice! A treasure trove of high school memories. I'm glad you like the sound of this one too. Thanks for visiting, Natalie!

  4. Haha, really historical fiction? No way!

    1. I know, right? I was a little shocked by this, but I guess I should't be. Ha. Thanks for visiting, Nina!


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