Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October Confessions

October has been a great month around here, mostly because it has been so warm and sunny! Just lately the temperatures have dipped a bit and it is just starting to feel like fall. As much as I am a summer girl, I can appreciate the beauty of fall. There's nothing better than cozying up with my favorite blanket, a good read, and the fire....hope to make that happen next month!

But wait though. Is it really November? Already?!?

Books Read in October:

1.  I Found You by Lisa Jewell (Adult Fiction) - 3.5 out of 5 stars
2.  The Secret by Julie Gardwood (Adult Historical Fiction) - 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.  Emerald Coast by Anita Hughes (Adult Fiction) - 3 out of 5 stars (Review to come) 
4.  The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (YA Realistic Fiction) - 4 out of 5 stars (Review to come)
5.  The Secret History of Us by Jessi Kirby (YA Realistic Fiction) - 3.5 out of 5 stars (Review to come)

Chapter Books:

Viking Ships at Sunrise by Mary Pope Osborne
Dingos at Dinnertime by Mary Pope Osborne
Civil War on Sunday by Mary Pope Osborne

1. Favorite Book: The Secret by Julie Garwood- Even though I didn't rate it the highest, I still really enjoyed the escape that this book provided. Sometimes you just need to get lost in a good book, right?

2.  Biggest Surprise: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas was a really important book. I knew, from the early reviews, that this book was going to be powerful and I am so glad I read it.

3.  Biggest Disappointment: Emerald Coast by Anita Hughes - Hughes's novels tend to be rather fluffy and I like that when I am on vacation or just looking to escape, but this one was just a little too much for me at times, because the characters were really hard to relate to and downright dysfunctional.

4.  Favorite Post:  My Favorite Picture Books for Fall

5. Best Part of October: My youngest son is starting to really be a lot of fun, when he isn't causing extreme chaos by trying to get into everything that isn't nailed down. We had a lot of fun visiting the pumpkin patch and the farm as a family this month.

What I'm Loving:
*Mindhunter on Netflix
*The Durrells in Corfu on PBS
*Outlander on Starz (of course!)
*White Pumpkins
*Classic Films
*One Pan Meals 
*Sex and Whisky (Outlander) Podcast
*Jo Malone's Mimosa & Cardamom 

So, what books did you read in October? Which one was your favorite? What are you loving this month? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for dropping by!


  1. My favorite book in October was the Underground Railroad ! I just wrote a review on my blog !

    1. Nice! I will have to check it out. Thanks for visiting, Alex!

  2. I just got Emerald Coast out of the library - it's not my normal type of read, but I figured I'd try it anyway!

    I love that the weather is getting cooler - fall is my favorite season!

    1. It was definitely a "fun" read and light, but not my favorite. I look forward to your thoughts on it. Thanks for visiting, Angela!

  3. I read The Vanishing of Audrey Wilde in October (The Wildling Sisters in the US) and I think you would love it!

    I need to check out Mindhunter once my laptop issues are resolved (my laptop quit on me! So sad!) Also, I am a big fan of Classic Hollywood if you need any recs!

    1. I do have The Wilding Sisters on my TBR list. I liked her last novel, so I will definitely have to make time to read it, especially if you enjoyed it! I think you would DEFINITELY like Mindhunter and I will hit you up with some classic Hollywood suggestions. I am watching Citizen Kane next! Thanks for visiting, Lenanna!

  4. I am looking forward to the cooler weather here. I ordered a new Kindle, and I can't to curl up with it and all my fur-babies and read. My favorites book for the month of October was Show Me the Way by A.L. Jackson.

    1. Nice! A new Kindle is always a good thing! I will have to check out that recommendation. Thanks for visiting, Jenea!

  5. I am still one episode behind with Outlander, but wow! When Jamie and Claire were finally reunited, my heart exploded. I read 26 books and listened to 7 audiobooks this month. I think my favorite was My New Crush Gave to Me. I was getting into a little slump and feeling bleh, and it just made me so happy. It adorable and sweet and festive. I loved it!

    1. I know, right? I am loving Outlander this season. Voyager is one of my favorites from the series. 26 books is incredible! Way to go! I am just starting to enjoy audio books more and more. I will have to check out that recommendation. Thanks for visiting, Sam!

  6. I need to get caught up on Outlander (the TV series and the books). Maybe this winter I will reread the first few books and read the ones I haven't gotten to yet.

    Glad you liked The Hate U Give. That was one of my favorites this year. The movie looks like it will be good too. I was disappointed with The Secret History of Us. I really thought there would be more to the story. Kind of forgettable, unfortunately.

    Hope you have a fantastic November!

    1. Yes! It's so hard to get caught up with Outlander. The books take me forever to get through. I'm currently listening to the audio books....much easier for me! I had the same thoughts as you regarding The Secret History of Us! I wanted so much more! Thanks for visiting, Christina!


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