Thursday, November 2, 2017

What I'm Reading Next (4)

November is always a fantastic month for reading, especially when the temperatures drop and maybe you see your first flake of snow. You can cozy up with your favorite blanket, an adult beverage, a roaring fire, and a compelling book. Nothing better, right? I look forward to reading some of these books this month.

Young Adult:

Haven by Mary Lindsey - It's been so long since I read a really compelling urban fantasy and I have high hopes for this one. I hear it involves werewolves and witches!

Rosemarked by Liva Blackburne - A promising new fantasy trilogy that I hear fans of An Ember in the Ashes will enjoy. I am looking forward to trying this one out. 

No Good Deed by Kara Connelly - I meant to read this novel this past summer, but never got around to it. It's got a Robin Hood vibe with the main character being a female who excels in archery and she ends up time traveling to the Middle Ages. It sounds fun!

Adult Fiction:

The Bourbon Kings by J.R. Ward - I finally got my hands on a copy of this book. A few people recommended it to me, so I am excited to check it out. I heard it's like Dallas meets Downton Abbey!

The Library at the Edge of the World by Felicity Hayes-McCoy - Sometimes you need a good story to get lost in and I love the sound of this book; plus, the setting is Ireland's West Coast, which is right up my alley. 

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn - I've been hearing so much buzz about this psychological thriller due out in early January. I may just have to pick this one up sooner than later. 

Lost Season of Love and Snow by Jennifer Laam - This book also doesn't come out until early January, but I look forward to this historical fiction set in St. Petersburg and the Imperial Court.

What are you hoping to read this month? What do you think of my TBR list? Let me know in the comments below.  Thanks for visiting!


  1. I`ve seen some great reviews for Haven, really excited for that!

    Carmen / Carmen`s Reading Corner

    1. I am looking forward to it as well! I'm definitely in the mood for a good paranormal read. Thanks for visiting, Georgiana.

  2. I love the cover of The Lost Season of Love and Snow! Happy reading!

  3. I can't believe you mentioned the "s" word! :) I'm not ready to think about snow yet though I do think I'll get the snow tires put on my car sometime this month just in case. Reading a book by the fire sounds lovely though. If I had a fireplace :) I remember a few years ago Starz had a special Outlander fireplace video with music from the show. It was so nice to play on my TV till they deleted it :(

    I have The Library at the Edge of the World on my TBR list for this month. I am hoping it will be really good and live up to the hype. The Lost Season of Love and Snow sounds interesting too.

    Hope you enjoy all of these!

    1. Haha. I know, right? You know I hate winter. I absolutely LOVED the Starz Outlander fireplace video...the one with the dogs, right? I was obsessed with that. I hope they put it on again. We have an old house and it has a nice fireplace, but I can only use it after the kids go to bed. I am excited for Library at the Edge of the World. Hope it doesn't disappoint either. Thanks for dropping by, Christina!


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