Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Can't Wait Wednesday: Women of the Dunes

Can't-Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Women of the Dunes by Sarah Maine
Pub. Date:  July 24, 2018

Goodreads says, "From the author of the acclaimed novels The House Between Tides and Beyond the Wild River, a rich, atmospheric tale set on the sea-lashed coast of west Scotland, in which the lives of a ninth-century Norsewoman, a nineteenth-century woman, and a twenty-first-century archeologist weave together after a body is discovered in the dunes.  Libby Snow has always felt the pull of Ullanessm a lush Scottish island enshrouded in myth and deeply important to her family. Her great-great-grandmother Ellen was obsessed with the strange legend of Ulla, a Viking maiden who washed up on shore with the nearly lifeless body of her husband—and who inspired countless epic poems and the island’s name.  Central to the mystery is an ornate chalice and Libby, an archaeologist, finally has permission to excavate the site where Ulla is believed to have lived. But what Libby finds in the ancient dunes is a body from the Victorian era, clearly murdered…and potentially connected to Ellen.  What unfolds is an epic story that spans centuries, with Libby mining Ellen and Ulla’s stories for clues about the body, and in doing so, discovering the darker threads that bind all three women together across history."

I love reading a good historical mystery in the summertime! What do you guys think? 


  1. Oh, yes! I saw this one recently and thought I would like it. I've not read this author's other books, but I think I own both of them. Plus Scotland and I'm there. Nice pick!

    1. I'm glad you agree, Kay. Scotland is one of my favorite settings for sure. Thanks for visiting!

  2. What a pretty cover and a nice synopsis. I'd grab this one if it were summer and I saw it at the library. Great pick!

    1. I'm glad you agree, Barb! I am loving the cover as well. Thanks for visiting!

  3. I love sand dunes so that cover jumped put at me. The Scotland setting and the Viking angle don't hurt either! This looks good.

    1. I know, right? I love the setting of Scotland. Thanks for dropping by, Greg!

  4. Love the setting and stories therapy are about families over the years too. Great pick.

    1. Me too - love a good family saga. Thanks for visiting, Jenea.


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