Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday Five and a Giveaway (45)

Guys, it's been awhile since my last Friday Five! Sometimes I like to talk about what I am currently into that is not necessarily book related. Here's what I have been up to/thinking about/enjoying lately.

1.  Starz and The Constant Princess - Yes! I have always wondered why Starz doesn't just continue with the Cousins' War series as it is SO good, but I love that they are branching off to other Philippa Gregory novels. You can read about it here.  I believe The Constant Princess is what the show will be based off of and I am thrilled; it's definitely one of my favorite of Gregory's novels.

2.  To All the Boys I've Loved Before and Netflix - Did you guys hear this news? It has me super excited!  I am so happy for Jenny Han, because not only is she one of my favorite authors, she is a nice person and I love when good things happen to nice people. I consider meeting her one of the most coolest moments of my life. #fangirl 

3.  Spring Break - Ugh. This weather. The weather here in PA is less than stellar. I definitely imagined more springlike weather over spring break and Easter. We've been hit hard with a lot of snow this March, which has me completely bummed. 

4. Good TV - What are you watching? What's your favorite show to binge? I am in desperate need for  a new TV show. I feel like there aren't many good TV shows on currently. Let me know some recommendations in the comments.

5.  Giveaway - Today I am giving away a book from my list below.  Good luck and please refer to my giveaway rules. This giveaway is open to US readers only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Friday,


  1. Just finished A Discovery of Witches and really enjoyed it! It was like a cross between Harry Potter and Dark Shadows. Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. I'm so glad you liked it! I think the TV show coming out that is based on it will be so much fun! Thanks for visiting!

  2. We got quite a bit of snow this week, too, but it's melting really fast! Maybe spring is on its way!

    1. Hopefully! *fingers crossed* Thanks for dropping by, Angela.


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