Sunday, May 20, 2018

Stacking the Shelves and Giveaway Winners (68)

Book Review: The Husband Hour by Jamie Brenner
Can't Wait Wednesday: Bellewether
Book Review: My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie

I'll be sharing my thoughts on two YA beach reads this week: Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett and August and Everything After by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski.  Starry Eyes is about a friends-to-something more romance and outdoor adventure - it's a fantastic read and one of my favorites of the year!  August and Everything After is a darker beach read with a focus on grief as well as music set at the Jersey Shore.  Lastly, I'm sharing an awesome giveaway with Dover Books and it involves PBS's The Great American Read, which I am BEYOND excited for!


Lies You Never Told Me by Jennifer Donaldson - Thanks to Razorbill
From Twinkle, With Love by Sandhya Menon - Thanks to Simon Pulse

The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting - Thanks to Forever and NetGalley

Congrats to Tammy for winning ARCS of Everywhere You Want to Be and It Started with Goodbye by Christina June. I hope you enjoy the books!

Have you read any of these books? Are they on your TBR list? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks for visiting! This meme is hosted by Kimberly at Caffeinated Book Reviewer.


  1. I snagged Good Luck charm this week as well! I am excited to read it!

    1. Nice! Me too! It sounds like a fun read. Thanks for visiting, Samantha.

  2. Ohh I have to see if Good Luck Charm is still available. I enjoy Helena's books!

    1. It would be my first time reading one of her novels....I've heard good things though! Thanks for visiting, Joy!

  3. I have From Twinkle, With Love. It looks pretty cute. I started Starry Eyes a few weeks ago before putting it aside for unknown reasons. It was cute, and I need to finish it. Happy reading!

  4. Lies You Never Told Me looks intense. I hope you like it. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. Natalie - You will have to make time for Starry Eyes. I thought it was awesome! I hope the end of your school year is going well. Thanks for visiting!

    AJ - I know, right? Even the cover is super intense. Thanks for dropping by!


I really appreciate your comments. Thank you!