Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday Five and a Giveaway (48)

Happy Friday! We made it to the end of the week. Finally! I'm sharing what I have been up to/thinking about/enjoying lately. Don't forget to enter the giveaway too!

1. Warm Weather = Beach Reads
Guys, I should probably be planning on some fall reads, but as long as my air conditioner is still running and the humidity is insane, I am going to read allllll the beach reads. There's so many that I haven't gotten to yet that I really want to read, like Beach House Reunion, Women of the Dunes, and The Ever After. Have your read any of these? 


2.  Kurt Seyit ve Sura on Netflix 
Some of my Outlander friends recommended this show to me on Netflix. It's a Turkish TV show and there's subtitles, but hear me out. It's surprisingly good. It's a bit cheesy at times and over romanticized, but it's a great story and the author of the book the show is based on wrote it about her family's history. I find this fascinating as someone who studies genealogy and my family's history.  I also like that it takes place in Russia and Eastern Europe during WWI, which is a fascinating time in history. Please tell me I'm not the only one who has heard about this show? Also, Seyit is Jamie Fraser dreamy.

3.  The Miniaturist on PBS 
I am a hardcore PBS fan, so I thought I would give this show a try. I haven't read the book that it's based on (cringe!), but I am liking it so far. It's a bit creepy, dark at times and a little bit edgier than I expect from PBS, but it's good. I didn't expect it to be very much like a thriller. Also, I find the setting of 17th century Amsterdam to be really compelling.  Have you read the book or watched the show?

4.  Josie Maran Argan Moonstone Drops 
This stuff is awesome. Seriously. If you have dry skin from time to time or you just want to have that glowy look like you just spent a week on an island, then check out this stuff. You can use it as a primer, a highlighter, on your hair, on your lips - it's fantastic. A little goes a long way though! I like to mix it with my Matte CC cream to not look so pale and blah. 

5.  Giveaway -  I'm kicking off the weekend with a great giveaway! Thanks to BlinkYA, I have an extra ARC of A Touch of Gold by Annie Sullivan to give away to one lucky US reader.  Please refer to my giveaway rules.  Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy Friday!


  1. I read The Miniaturist a couple years ago. I don't remember too much about it, just that it was a little odd? I might have to check out the series!

    1. It is a little odd, but in a dark/thrilling kind of way. The setting of Amsterdam is really neat. You should check out the show! Thanks for visiting, Angela!


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