Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Can't Wait Wednesday: Once & Future

Can't Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

Once & Future by Amy Rose Capetta and Cori McCarthy
Pub. Date: March 5, 2019

Goodreads says, "I've been chased my whole life. An illegal immigrant in Mercer-controlled territory, I've always had to hide who I am. Until now.  When Ari crash lands on Old Earth, and pulls a magic sword from its ancient resting place, she becomes the forty-second reincarnation of King Arthur. Merlin awakes to find that having aged backward over the last forty-one Arthurs, he is now-wretchedly-a teenager. Ari may be Merlin's final chance to complete the steps of the cycle: 1) Train Arthur 2) Defeat the greatest evil in the universe. 3) Unite all of mankind. No pressure.   I don't know about prophecies or kings, but I do know this: Mercer is evil. They've imprisoned my parents, enslaved worlds, and now they're after my friends. I'm done hiding.   My name is Ari Helix. I have a magic sword, a cranky wizard, and a revolution to start. "

I like this spin on the Arthurian legend. I haven't read an all-consuming YA fantasy lately and hope to remedy that. Fingers crossed that this one fits the bill.  What do you guys think? 


  1. This does sound like a really fun take on the legend! Seems like it will have some humor with Merlin being a teenager!

    1. I agree! I have high hopes. Thanks for visiting, Angela.

  2. Oh, how fascinating! I had no idea Patterson was working on something like this, and I love this particular legend (doesn’t everyone?). I hope you enjoy this one when you read it!

    Jennifer Tar Heel Reader

    1. I know! Me too! I like this interesting twist on it. Thanks for visiting, Jennifer.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm glad you like the sound of it too, Barb. Thanks for dropping by!

  4. This one looks so fun! I like fantasy that doesn't take itself too seriously and this definitely looks like it fits the bill. :D

    1. I agree! I have high hopes. I love the idea of a twist on King Arthur and Merlin. Thanks for visiting, Becky!

  5. I need a food YA fantasy too, I hope it does the job!

    1. I agree! I haven't read a good YA fantasy in sometime. Thanks for visiting, Amber!

  6. Ohh I haven't read any Arthurian retelling, so this I am most interested. ;)

    1. I recently read a new twist on the Arthurian legend, so it has definitely made me a bit more interested! Thanks for visiting, Joy!

  7. YESSS! I love Arthurian legend and retellings! Thank you so much for putting this one on my radar. I just added it to my TBR pile ;)

    1. I hope you enjoy it, Kimberly! Thanks for dropping by!


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