Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Can't Wait Wednesday: All Is Fair

Can't Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!

All Is Fair by Dee Garretson
Pub. Date: January 22, 2019

Goodreads says, "When Lady Mina Tretheway receives a telegram at boarding school, she doesn’t want to read it. In 1918, with war raging, she dreads telegrams, knowing they never bring good news.  At first she doesn’t understand the cryptic message. Then she realizes it’s written in code, and the message leads her home to Hallington Manor. When Lord Andrew Graham appears with a dashing young American, Lucas Mueller, Mina learns that the two of them must work together on dangerous project for the war effort.  Thinking Mina is just a spoiled aristocrat, Lucas tries to complete the project alone, fearing her inexperience will give them away. But when the project goes very wrong, Mina and Lucas are thrown together to complete the mission before more soldiers disappear into the darkness of war."

You guys know I am always on the hunt for a compelling YA historical novel. I definitely think we need more historical fiction for young adults that really captivates and this one sounds promising. What do you guys think?


  1. I'm excited for this one, too! Love a good wartime YA historical. ♥

  2. Hi Christina! That is one intriguing cover! Sounds like it will be fun.

    Here is my WOW Wednesday post. Jedi, you shall be!

  3. This sounds so good! I love wartime historical fiction.

    1. Me too. It's definitely one of my favorite things to read about. Thanks for dropping by, Angela!


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