Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Blog Tour: This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune

Pages: 320
Genre: Adult Fiction/Romance
Pub. Date: May 7, 2024
Publisher: Berkley
Other Books By Author: Every Summer After
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Goodreads says, "This summer they’ll keep their promise. This summer they won’t give into temptation. This summer will be different. Lucy is the tourist vacationing at a beach house on Prince Edward Island. Felix is the local who shows her a very good time. The only problem: Lucy doesn’t know he’s her best friend’s younger brother. Lucy and Felix’s chemistry is unreal, but the list of reasons why they need to stay away from each other is long, and they vow to never repeat that electric night again.

It’s easier said than done.

Each year, Lucy escapes to PEI for a big breath of coastal air, fresh oysters and crisp vinho verde with her best friend, Bridget. Every visit begins with a long walk on the beach, beneath soaring red cliffs and a golden sun. And every visit, Lucy promises herself she won’t wind up in Felix’s bed. Again. If Lucy can’t help being drawn to Felix, at least she’s always kept her heart out of it.

When Bridget suddenly flees Toronto a week before her wedding, Lucy drops everything to follow her to the island. Her mission is to help Bridget through her crisis and resist the one man she’s never been able to. But Felix’s sparkling eyes and flirty quips have been replaced with something new, and Lucy’s beginning to wonder just how safe her heart truly is."

Lucy has spent a lot of time visiting Prince Edward Island as her best friend, Bridget, lives there. What's not to love? A gorgeous island, oysters, sandy cliffs, windswept shores, and Bridget's dreamy brother. It all started when Lucy visited Bridget's family and arrived before Bridget. She went to a restaurant to kill some time and immediately had some major chemistry with the guy shucking oysters. They spend a night together and after the fact, she finds out it's Bridget's brother, who is off limits. Lucy doesn't want to upset Bridget or make their relationship complicated, so she pushes her feelings aside and tries to not let it happen again. As the years go by, and Lucy visits PEI, she finds herself gravitating back to Felix despite their best attempts at staying apart. Lucy could never let their flings be anything real as she pushes Felix away before she gets too close. Fast forward to days before Bridget's wedding and she announces an emergency trip to PEI. Lucy drops her job (she's a florist) and her city life to go to PEI and figure out what is going on with Bridget. Lo and behold, Felix is there to complicate things further. Can their relationship ever be real without sacrificing the great friendship she has with Bridget? Carley Fortune's This Summer Will Be Different is a wonderful summer tale filled with a lot of steamy romance, a gorgeous setting, and a heartwarming story.

I liked Lucy from the start of This Summer Will Be DifferentShe has a complicated relationship with her own family, so she latches on to her friendship with Bridget as they are more like sisters than friends. I also really liked the fact that she is a florist and all the details surrounding flowers as well as her dreams of owning a flower farm. Also, her relationship with Felix was done so well. The chemistry jumped right off the page and the romance scenes seemed even more steamy than her other novels. I was rooting for Felix and Lucy from the start. Felix is such a great character and one that I really enjoyed. He's pretty much perfect and did I mention he likes books?

The setting of Prince Edward Island was so darn good in This Summer Will Be Different. It made me want to drop everything to book a flight. The seafood, the windswept shores, and not to mention the Anne of Green Gables references---I loved it! I am a huge Anne of Green Gables fan, so this was especially fun, not to mention all the references to Megan Follows and Jonathan Crombie's version of Anne and Gilbert---the best there is!

Fans of Fortune won't be disappointed. If you love a good summer romance, look no further. While this wasn't my favorite of Fortune's (Every Summer After is!), I still really enjoyed it. In the comments below let me know if you plan on reading This Summer Will Be Different and if you are a fan of Carley Fortune.



  1. I have actually never read this author, but I think you have me convinced that I should!

    1. I think you'd definitely like her books, Angela! I hope you get to read them soon. Thanks for visiting.


I really appreciate your comments. Thank you!