Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Can't Wait Wednesday: What Happened to the McCrays?

Can't Wait Wednesday is hosted by Wishful Endings and helps us spotlight upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating!  


What Happened to the McCrays? by Tracey Lange

Pub. Date: January 2025



Goodreads says, "When Kyle McCray gets word his father has suffered a debilitating stroke, he returns to his hometown of Potsdam, New York, where he doesn’t expect a warm welcome. Kyle left suddenly two and a half years ago, abandoning people who depended on his father, his employees, his friends—not to mention Casey, his wife of sixteen years and a beloved teacher in town. He plans to lie low and help his dad recuperate until he can leave again, especially after Casey makes it clear she wants him gone.

The longer he’s home, the more Kyle understands the impact his departure has had on the people he left behind. When he’s presented with an opportunity for redemption as the coach of the floundering middle school hockey team, he begins to find compassion in unexpected places. Kyle even considers staying in Potsdam, but that’s only possible if he and Casey can come to some kind of peace with each other.

Full of love and hope, What Happened to the McCrays? takes an intimate look at both sides of a failed marriage and two people who must finally confront the awful pain of their past or risk being consumed by it."


I adore Tracey Lange's books and We Are the Brennans is one of my favorites. I am excited to check out her latest novel coming out the end of the summer. Will you be adding this one to your TBR list?


  1. Sounds interesting and I just saw this one pop up on Netgalley. Hope you love it!

    1. Thanks Barb! I'll have to check it out on NetGalley. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Oh, I really like the sound of this one!

    1. Me too! I love Lange's novels! Thanks for visiting, Angela!

  3. I love seeing a character grow over the course of a novel. I imagine this is a book I wouldn't be able to read without getting teary-eyed. It sounds great.


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