Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Book Review: Famous Last Words by Gillian McAllister

Pages: 336
Genre: Adult Fiction
Pub. Date: February 25, 2025
Publisher: William Morrow
Source: Publisher for review
Other Books By Author: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars


Goodreads says, "It is June 21, the longest day of the year, and the life of new mother Camilla is about to change forever. After months of maternity leave, she will drop off her infant daughter at daycare for the first time and return to her job as a literary agent. Finally. But when she wakes, her husband Luke isn’t there, and in his place is a cryptic note.

Then it starts. Breaking news: A hostage situation is developing in London. The police tell her Luke is involved—but he isn't a hostage. Her husband—doting father, eternal optimist—is the gunman."



Camilla "Cam" is heading back to work after her maternity leave and curiously, her husband isn't home like planned. Luke, her husband, left a strange note, but she brushes it off as he has an important ghostwriting job that requires him to be out the door early. Reluctantly, after not reaching Luke on his cell, Cam takes on the daunting task of bringing their daughter to daycare for the first time, but once she does this, and gets back to work, things seem to be normal. The only thing she is wondering about is why Luke isn't answering his cell. Once at work, she notices something on the news. A man has taken people hostage, in London, at a warehouse. Cops visit her work, and before she knows it, she realizes that the man in question is her husband. Obviously, this is shocking and something she can't wrap her head around. The hostage negotiator, Niall, comes and he is certain that Luke, her husband, isn't a violent man; he is a family guy! However, Niall is quickly proven wrong as Luke resorts to violence, and then pretty much vanishes from the scene leaving Cam to rebuild her life without her husband, who has seemingly disappeared without a trace. Gillian McAllister's Famous Last Words is a suspenseful thriller that kept me flipping the pages.

I enjoyed Cam from the start of Famous Last Words; in fact, her job in publishing only added to my enjoyment as she loves all things books. My heart went out to her as she realized her husband's horrible actions and tried to piece together the clues that led him to this. As anyone would do in this situation, Cam starts to question Luke's behavior and wonder how he could do such a thing?

Some of the chapters are from Niall's point of view and this definitely adds some insight into the situation. He also deals with his own personal issues and some post-traumatic stress from Luke's hostage negotiation that did not go as planned. Although, like Cam, he has tried to move on as the years pass, he is still wondering where Luke could be and what happened to him.

While there were some moments where I had to suspend my disbelief, I enjoyed 
Famous Last Words overall. The clever plot definitely kept me in suspense; fans of McAllister's thrillers will enjoy this one.

Have you read 
Famous Last Words? Are you a fan of Gillian McAllister? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

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