Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Blog Tour and Giveaway: Alycat and the Copycat

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but it doesn't always feel that way, especially for younger elementary students. When someone copies your ideas or project, it can be challenging to navigate those social dynamics. 

I love that Alycat and the Copycat, a new picture book by Alysson Foti Bourque, addresses this difficult topic while also incorporating important STEM themes. If you have been a long-time reader of my blog, you know I have previously featured this charming and award-winning book series. Today, I am excited to share the eighth book in the Alycat series!

Learn More About the Book: 

Alycat and the Copycat 

Written by Alysson Foti Bourque

Illustrated by Chiara Civati

Ages: 6-8 | 32 Pages

Publisher: Pelican Publishing | ISBN: 978-1455628094

Publisher’s Book Summary: The 8th book in the award-winning Alycat Series – Alycat and the Copycat.

“Science doesn’t freak meowt!” Alycat is excited that it’s Science Fair Day, but why is her classmate copying almost everything about her, from the shirt she’s wearing to the project she’s doing? Soon Alycat learns, through patience and kindness, that two similar things can be better when they work together. This latest addition to the kitten picture-book series includes STEM themes; plus instructions for making your own glitter volcano!

You can purchase your own copy of Alycat and the Copycat at Bookshop, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon. Also, you can learn more about Alysson Foti Bourque by visiting her website and connecting with her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter/X, and YouTube


The Giveaway:


I've partnered with Alysson Foti Bourque to host an incredible giveaway to celebrate the publication of Alycat and the Copycat. Enter the giveaway for a chance to win an eight-book set, inlcuding a copy of Alycat and the Copycat and an Alycat plush. One lucky winner will also receive a $50 Amazon gift card. Good luck!

Alycat and the Copycat: Book Giveaway


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